View Full Version : using knoppix to retrieve files

01-30-2012, 09:45 PM
Hello, I've been having trouble booting my computer lately so I downloaded Knoppix to boot from so that I could retrieve my files. Late last night I threw in the disk and loaded it up and everything worked perfectly. I went to bed and had planned to run off to get a portable hard drive once I woke. Unfortunately I woke to a frozen screen with what looked like fireworks. I shut the computer down and rebooted and everything seemed fine, I heard the boot voice and everything but after that nothing showed up on my monitor. My monitor kept cycling through "digital", "analog" and off. I have a feeling that Knoppix is still running fine it's just a problem with the monitor. I tried using the failsafe code and it loads to the desktop but I cannot use my mouse or keyboard.

Does anyone have any hints?

Thanks ahead of time!