View Full Version : Using Knoppix to trouble shoot computer(s)

03-21-2012, 12:46 AM
Hi -

I'm new here and to Knoppix as well.
Hope you don't mind if i ask for some help straight off.

I have a Sony Notebook giving me serious issues and I'm trying to isolate the problem using Knoppix.
(I'm downloading the latest version now - v6.71)

The comp is a Sony VIAO notebook.
VGN- SZ460n/c

New CDs from Sony
New Memory
New HD

I cracked the fracking screen accidentally but can still see and this issue was happening prior.
It was given to me by the last owner and i really want to see if i can fix it.

I've removed the HD at this point.
Currently running MEMtest 1.02(?) from Knopix Live v3.??

Symtoms of the comp.
When trying to do a reinstall of the OS from sony it freezes at around 80 to 90% commpletion. Never completes the install.

Ran Knoppix v3.?? Live CD - Knoppix sees the hard ware - memory - loads - then starts booting...

Ran Knoppix Live v3.?? in safe mode - boots fine.

Would someone mind helping me by guidingand directing me on how to issolate the hardware that is giving me the problem using Knoppix?
