View Full Version : Why is Petter Nordahl's »chntpw« not on the disc?

06-17-2003, 01:21 PM
»Offline NT Password & Registry Editor«, http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/

it's very useful, it's very small! Why don't we add it to KNOPPIX!
Although not under GPL, getting permission from the author shouldn't be a big problem.


"The chntpw binary & source can be both changed and distributed
by anyone in any way they like if:
1) No one makes money on it (commercial sales is a big NONO)
except: a) Charging for media/packaging/printed docs/support/shipping
is allowed.
b) Inclusion in typical linux, *bsd or similar OS
distributions (also commercial)
is allowed as long as use of chntpw & ntreg is
not the distributions primary purpose. Anyway it's
nice if I get notified any such inclusion.
If you ask I will very likely allow other types of distribution.
(have already had questions of it as a bonus on eBay auctions.
ask, and you will likely get permission)
I'm just a kind of control freak, so I want to know what's going on."

06-17-2003, 03:00 PM
--Send an email to Klaus and ask him to include it. Prepare to be refused though, as space on the CD is scarce these days...

»Offline NT Password & Registry Editor«, http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/

it's very useful, it's very small! Why don't we add it to KNOPPIX!
Although not under GPL, getting permission from the author shouldn't be a big problem.


"The chntpw binary & source can be both changed and distributed
by anyone in any way they like if:
1) No one makes money on it (commercial sales is a big NONO)
except: a) Charging for media/packaging/printed docs/support/shipping
is allowed.
b) Inclusion in typical linux, *bsd or similar OS
distributions (also commercial)
is allowed as long as use of chntpw & ntreg is
not the distributions primary purpose. Anyway it's
nice if I get notified any such inclusion.
If you ask I will very likely allow other types of distribution.
(have already had questions of it as a bonus on eBay auctions.
ask, and you will likely get permission)
I'm just a kind of control freak, so I want to know what's going on."