View Full Version : Console colors?

06-17-2003, 09:02 PM
I really like the way the console colors are setup on the cd. (CTRL-ALT-F1 after booting from the CD).

Is there any way I can convince my console to be this pretty?


06-18-2003, 03:18 PM
No one? :(

06-18-2003, 06:07 PM
--To be honest I'd like to know how to change the color settings in RXVT; the default green-on-white it headache-inducing.

--You can always ask Klaus how he did it; should be a file somewhere in /etc.

No one? :(

06-18-2003, 07:55 PM
I really like the way the console colors are setup on the cd. (CTRL-ALT-F1 after booting from the CD).
It is inside the linuxrc script, which is inside miniroot, which is inside miniroot.gz, which is inside the boot disk image.

06-18-2003, 09:18 PM
How would one go about migrating this to his/her setup?

06-19-2003, 07:02 AM
[/me] rubs hands with glee... Well, now that I know exactly where it is, I can tell you how to get at it...

From the CD:
' mkdir /mnt/tmp '
' cd /cdrom/KNOPPIX '
' mount boot.img /mnt/tmp -oloop,ro '

' cd /mnt/tmp '
' cp miniroot.gz /ramdisk '

' cd /ramdisk '
' gunzip miniroot.gz '

' mkdir /mnt/tmp2 '
' mount miniroot /mnt/tmp2 -oloop '

--You can now get to the linuxrc file by ' cd /mnt/tmp2 ' and editing the file. What you do from there is up to you. I suppose you could ' echo $BLUE ' after exporting the BLUE var. Beyond that, I can't help ya much.

How would one go about migrating this to his/her setup?