View Full Version : boot CD + persistent image under Knoppix 7

07-02-2012, 07:44 PM

I used Knoppix 5 for years. I liked to moved only with a boot-cd and a usb key with my crypted files + config (that I copy on harddrive when I use long time the same PC) so not always the same path.

I wanted to upgrade (less troubles, more security...). Unfortunatly it seems it s only possible with Knoppix 7 to have the persistent image on the boot device. Any simple issue? (i am not an advanced user)

of course I looked for the issue in the FAQ and the old threads here but I haven t found it.


07-02-2012, 09:25 PM
I forgot : I'd like to create/use a bigger uncrypted file than 4 Go - I understood the Flash Installer use a Vfat that's why this trouble. Why not Ext for exemple ?

07-09-2012, 09:07 PM
I have the same question: I need knoppix on cd + encrypted home directory on usb. But looks like it is only a implementation prior to Knoppix 6. Could someone post a solution for this? Thanks.