View Full Version : HELP: how to post a message to this forum with NO images ?

08-03-2012, 01:16 AM
I really hate emoticons.

But, when copy- and-pasting text from the command line to the forum "post new message" -page, every time there is character ":" and "D" as successive characters, the forum software thinks I want to send an emoticon and then restrivts me when there are more than 4 in a message, when actually I want to send ZERO emoticons.

Is there any way to tell the forum text editor that the ":" followed by "D" is just part of a text and should NOT be interpreted as an emoticon ?

YES: there is "Disable smilies in text" (solves the first problem)

BUT even after putting this checkbox on, the forum software still complains about tags !

So I had to remove all tags (I have no idea what I am allowed to put there, but since the forum software complains that I have no right to create new tags, the only possible solution seems to be that I zshould remove ALL tags - so why is there a tags -field if I am not allowed to use it ?)