View Full Version : say you want to capture what goes on on your screen as a "movie" ...

08-07-2012, 04:29 PM
I think knoppix had some utility, but I forgot what it was. ~ Where/what is it? ~ thanks lbrtchx

08-07-2012, 04:50 PM
Also, any video editing software that comes with knoppix? ~ lbrtchx

08-08-2012, 04:03 PM
I think knoppix had some utility, but I forgot what it was. ~ Where/what is it? ~ thanks lbrtchx
RE: K_7.0.3 LiveCD
Tried 'RecordMyDesktop', which trapped this ERROR:

#This is the command given at initialization:
recordmydesktop -o /home/knoppix/test.ogv --fps 5 --no-cursor -x 408 -y 248 --width 656
--height 368 --channels 2 --freq 22050 --device hw:ATIIXP --v_quality 63 --s_quality 10
--workdir /home/knoppix/Desktop --no-frame

#recordMyDesktop stderror output:
Initial recording window is set to:
X:408 Y:248 Width:656 Height:368
Adjusted recording window is set to:
X:408 Y:248 Width:656 Height:368
Your window manager appears to be Metacity

Buffer size adjusted to 4096 from 4096 frames.
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1401:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
Couldn't open PCM device hw:ATIIXP
Error while opening/configuring soundcard hw:ATIIXP
Try running with the --no-sound or specify a correct device.
Can anyone get PCM device to open w/ALSA mixer, using RecordMyDesktop?