View Full Version : Knoppix STD

06-19-2003, 02:56 AM
Hey, anyone know where i can get a copy of the Knoppix STD (Security Tools Distribution). Their site is currently overloaded due to Tech Tv

06-19-2003, 03:53 AM
Hmmmmmm..... no wonder my hosting company cut me off. :).

Knoppix-STD will be back up soon. Mirrors will be up soon. soon being in the next several days. Stay tuned to www.knoppix-std.org. Thanks for the support. (hey does TechTV want to provide a mirror??)

--- t1ck_t0ck

06-19-2003, 04:27 AM
**NOD** if Tech Tv wants to give out the links the need to do the mirrors for them


06-19-2003, 01:48 PM
i can offer 7~G/mo of BW for knoppix-std, i'd love to mirror it.

06-19-2003, 02:00 PM
I have to say I agree with everyone on this board about bitching about TechTV airing something and then the poor guys website had all the bandwith taken. Like everyone else says, they should set up a mirror to help host this file. Bye the way I'm a newbie-newbie. I know all of you hate Windows, but I'm a Winders user. Also can some out there help me out, I would like to find some ebooks or books on Linux. (I know all about amazon.com).. Plus I mess around with Knoppix, Lycoris and Libranet. I don't have anyway to host a mirror, wish I did...Thanks to all, also plz give this Linux newbie a little brake!!!!

tAtErBeAn :roll: :roll:

06-19-2003, 07:45 PM
well now i am wondering what the hell i am downloading as i type. i also got this tip from tech tv, but managed to find a download, i think.
file KNOPPIX_V3.2-2003-06-06-EN.iso-L...
anyone know what this is?

06-19-2003, 07:49 PM
Here are a couple of good reference tools. Both are downloadable.

1. Linux Newbie Administrator Guide (http://linux-newbie.sunsite.dk/) - Written for newbies. Basic but quite helpful.

2. Rute (http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/index.html) - Much more in depth. Very usefull.

06-19-2003, 07:56 PM
aay; thanks for your reply. will check this out as soon as i get the download to cd.

06-19-2003, 08:50 PM
Here are a couple of good reference tools. Both are downloadable.

1. Linux Newbie Administrator Guide - Written for newbies. Basic but quite helpful.

2. Rute - Much more in depth. Very usefull.

aay - I didn't know if this was for me or not, but I'm going to give it a look over. I want to learn as much as I can. I want to setup a computer to show my family and friends that all the software on there was freeing downloaded. Plus this will show them other options to use than MSOFFICE for word and excel docs or Windows OS. I'm using openoffice on a windows machine here at work and like it alot.... I haven't tested the other free office program yet. (Software 602) Has anyone check it out or used it yet??? Thanks again aay...Glad the newbs on this board doesn't get flammed like other boards.....

Thanks again to everyone!!! :idea:

06-20-2003, 05:20 AM
I'm not trying to bad mouth TechTV. It's not like slashdot offers to mirror every thing they post about. In fact, Kevin from screensavers personally apologized to me for bringing my server down. Frankly I'm happy for the attention.

The community at large is starting to provide mirrors and everything should be business as usual in a day or two.

06-20-2003, 10:13 PM
KNOPPIX_V3.2-2003-06-06-EN.iso-L... this is the new version of Knoppix (just plain old knoppix) but its still in BETA and doesnt work on all computers!!

06-23-2003, 10:57 PM
8 Bucks it's yours
Order here (http://www.teamdigits.com/knoppixstd/order.htm)

06-24-2003, 02:41 AM
t1ck_t0ck, can you post a list of all of the packages/hand installed apps that you put into Knoppix-STD? Also, is it simple to remaster Knoppix-STD?

I haven't had a chance to download it yet and I was looking into remastering Knoppix for myself, but I think I would be able to save myself some time/aggravation if I just remastered your edition.