View Full Version : Cheatcode "knoppix testcd"

Werner P. Schulz
09-08-2012, 10:52 AM
There is a lack with "knoppix testcd". This cheatcode only calculates the sha1sum of the big filesystem image KNOPPIX, not the sha1sums from all the other files of a CD/DVD. If there is a download or burn error for example within '/mnt-system/boot/', you'll not be warned.

09-08-2012, 01:32 PM
Greetings, Werner.

It is good to point this out.
I would make two additional comments.

1. testcd is an essential FIRST TIME test; I think that often, too much time is spent
diagnosing strange behavior of installs that never took the time INITIALLY to verify
the down-loaded iso's integrity in its LiveCD or LiveDVD form. The big KNOPPIX file's
integrity in detail is absolutely crucial to all that follows.

2. It is also true that additions KNOPPIX1, KNOPPIX2,...KNOPPIX9 won't be checked either,
but they are safer, and more efficient storage (in my experience), than is the persistent
store, knoppix-data.img. This applies to cloning LiveUSBs that have used compressed
image stacking, in case anyone's wondering.

Werner P. Schulz
09-08-2012, 03:33 PM
You can read KK answer at

09-08-2012, 04:30 PM
Hi again, Werner.

Thanks for the KK wisdom. Even so, my item #2 hints at my wishlist
concerning the stacked compressed image updates. I know it would
bulk-up the elegant Knoppix init or something, but I'd like it anyway.
Maybe Gilles is listening.

In regards to item #1, my observation is not that testcd is incomplete,
but rather too often it is overlooked by those that need it most.