View Full Version : How do I add my own program/icon to desktop?

09-12-2012, 06:27 PM
Hi. I'd like to add a new icon to lxde desktop, that has associated with it the
name of a shell script (that i've written) or single command, so that when i
double-click the icon, the script/command executes.

Could you tell me how to do it please? I've looked in knoppix wiki but can't see
it covered.

I guess this kind of question would be covered by a Knoppix manual. Where would
I find such an online manual or book i can buy please? Also, I know that there
is documentation within knoppix itself, like "KDE Help Centre", but it doesn't
seem to contain instructions for doing things in the desktop environment, like
this query that i have here.

Thanks, John.

Werner P. Schulz
09-13-2012, 08:27 AM
Hello John,
you can create a ".desktop" file like for example:


[Desktop Entry]
Name=my Installation
Name[de]=aktuelle Installation
Comment=Lists of all programms and libraries
Comment[de]=Listen aller Programme und Libraries
Exec=/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator --geometry=100x24 -e /usr/bin/kn-what
Categories=System;Write your command at "Exec=.." and for "Icon=.." select an icon from '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/'. You'll find many examples at '/usr/share/applications'.

Also have a look at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LXDE
=> Autostart Programs