View Full Version : remastering with samba 3.0011

06-19-2003, 11:04 AM

i try to remaster knoppix with the new samba version (3.0011).
I use mmkcdrom for remastering. In the remastering shell everything works fine. I can upgrade samba and run it without any problems.
But on the remastered cd samba doesn't start, the log says:

Failed to open /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb
failed to initialise message database

On the original knoppix (6/6/03) samba starts without problems.

Any ideas why this happens?



06-21-2003, 08:34 AM
have you checked if the file is available and other things like permission etc. ? Is it a real file or symlink on the 'writeable' version ?

linux/unix like to use lots of symlink/file directory lock tricks and it may present problems for read only system.

06-23-2003, 11:40 AM
you're probably right. I think it could be soemthing with permission settings. But going through large packets like samba is a pain.
So I'm looking for the other way round.

Where do I have to put software that needs read/write access to files on the remaster? Is there any documentaion about this issue for knoppix?


05-05-2004, 11:24 AM
Is there any new info available for this, I am having the same problem and have no clue on how to fix this.

If you have any suggestions send it to: robbert.rijkse(AT)gmx.net.

Thanks in advance,
- Robbert