View Full Version : Knoppix on a diskless computer?

10-09-2012, 08:02 AM
Hi all,

I have installed Knoppix on a laptop with a dead hard drive (because I can't afford to put a new disk in and I still want to use the laptop). It seems to work OK but when I go to slashdot (as you do) it gets to a certain point during the page load and the standard "ice" browser breaks up into cubes (ie crashes). Many websites work fine but a lot of them don't. I have a feeling that the browser is trying to write something to the non-existent hard drive and the OS isn't handling the exception correctly.

Has anyone poked around in this area of the code? Is that what is happening.

Could I do a workaround by putting a USB in and somehow pointing the browser to that for it's cookies or whatever it is trying to write?


10-09-2012, 09:21 AM
Install Knoppix to a USB stick, setup a large enough (say, 2-3 GB) persistent store and run.
You never have to access a hard disk with Knoppix, and using USB3 sticks will usually speed up quite a bit also with USB2.
Very often, I run Knoppix on a with no access to the hard disk(s). No problem for me. (Less than top speed isn't a problem for me ;-))

10-10-2012, 10:29 AM
I'll try loading the ISO on a USB stick and see what happens. I guess I'll have to do something funky with the start up parameters to boot from a USB?