View Full Version : knoppix installed to hard drive on toshiba 1800 s253 p3 850 coppermine

10-10-2012, 02:06 AM
dual boot with windows 98 and knoppix I keep the win98 around so I can play XCOM
processor is p3 850 coppermine 384 mb of ram videocard is a trident cyberblade A1
The trident cyberblade videocard has problems with the DDC detect in the bootup so I have to use a static xorg.conf file otherwise the display goes black (the last version of Ubuntu to work with this video card was feisty fawn 7.04)
With a video card this ancient is there any point in trying to get the flash player working? I mean the frame rate might be so slow that watching a flash video might just be an exercise in patience. The laptop will play xvid fine but with a reduced color palette. Other than that the laptop and knoppix get along great. I even managed to get my hands on a PCMCIA USB 2 cardbus so I can transfer files to a stick at a decent rate (USB 1 is slow). One other problem is the laptop doesn't like knoppix DVDs it displays a message saying the media is corrupt. When I run the media in a faster machine there is nothing wrong with the DVD. Any ideas?