View Full Version : Where are links to using and configuring Adriane Knoppix for blind user?

10-21-2012, 04:15 AM
I am trying to help a blind friend use Adriane Knoppix. He finds it mostly intuitive, but would like to customise some features, e. g. use joe text editor instead of nano, and lynx instead of elinks browser. Can this be done without remastering the USB drive?
I have searched on Knoppix.net and Google without success. Could somebody tell me where to look for configuring and customising Adriane Knoppix. Your help will be much appreciated.


10-21-2012, 08:46 AM
If you use Knoppix 7.0.4 DVD you should install the package 'joe' before you change the settings for the default text editor.

In the menu "ADRIANE" go to '13 Setup'.
In the menu "ADRIANE SETUP" go to '7 ADRIANE Settings (Advanced)'. A configuration file will be opened in the text editor.

Find the lines
EDITOR="nano -t"
VIEWER="nano -v" and change them to
VIEWER="joe -rdonly"Find the line
COMMAND_WWW="elinks" and change it to
COMMAND_WWW="lynx" Save the file and exit the text editor.

The original configuration file adriane.conf can be found in the directory /etc/adriane and the customised configuration file is /home/knoppix/.adriane/adriane.conf

I hope that helps.

10-21-2012, 09:25 AM
Thanks Klaus 2008 for your prompt reply. I will try doing that now.
