View Full Version : Some questions regarding Adriane

Jeffery Mewtamer
12-02-2012, 07:23 PM
Good Afternoon,

Let me start by saying that Adriane has been a lifesaver, as it has allow me to regain use of my computer inspite of the retina in my one good eye detaching. That said, I do have a few issues that I would like assistence with.

1. I do not like the rather quick and dirty way 0WN installs Knopppix to the har drive, and I hate how bloated it feels compared to an vanilla install of debian's console-only system with LXDE-core install. Being a seasoned user of Debian, and not needing most of the stuff installed by default in knoppix, I was wondering about the feasibility of installing Adriane on top of vanilla text-only install of Debian. Would it be as simple as installing Debian without a desktop environment, adding the knoppix repository to my sources.list, and having aptitude install the Adriane meta-package, or would some manual configuration be required for it to work correctly? Also, would I be better off using my squeeze disc or burning the latest beta of wheezy? In regards to the latter, I am mainly concerned with whether or not Adriane and Orca are stable on the latter.

2. Working with Adriane Knoppix installed on my harddrive, I have made attempts to remove bloat andupgrade as many packages as possible without breaking anything. The most common problem I keep running into is Orca breaking, or should I say, the Firefox option loading to a point that I can use alt+f4 to return to the Adriane menu without hearing anything from Orca. Also, even if Orca is not broken, launching IceWeasel in this manner tends to be quite slow and sometimes hangs to the point that I must do a hard reset. The only reliable method I have found for fixing Orca is reinstalling from the liveCD, and this sometimes only works if I format the harddrive. The one time I managed to recover orca after it broke, the IceWeasel window was rendered inaccessible. I do not use LibreOffice, and see no point in launching a full X session, so I cannot say if the problem is consistent accross all AdrianeX applications. Any tips on how to ensure that Orca does not break, or how to reliably fix it when it does break, would be greatly appreciated.

3. Is there a guide for configuring the text-based screenreader used by Adriane? In particular, I use nano and g++ as editer and complier for c++ programming, and it would be useful if I could get to read whitespace and punctuation when reading screen content line-by-line.

4. IceWeasel is currently the only Graphical application I use, with everything else being done either via the command-line or the text-based applications built into Adriane. That said, if I decide to check-out Orca's compatibility with other graphical applications, is there a way to add extra items to AdrianeX's menu, or is launching a full X session required for graphical applications other than LibreOffice and IceWeasel?

5. Can anyone point me to a tutorial for dlynx? I feel that the Orca breakage I have been dealing with would be less annoying if I could make adaquate use of the text-based browser when IceWeasel is rendered unusable due to lack of a working screen reader.

Thank you for any help in resolving these issues, and I look forward to hearing Adriane becoming an even better accessibility tool.