View Full Version : Rebuild Adriane for ARM.

Jeffery Mewtamer
12-18-2012, 08:48 AM
Good Morning,

I recently obtained an ARM-powered UMPC and I would like to install Adriane on it, or more specifically, run Adriane from an SD card. The target machine supports several ARM distributions of Linux, including Debian ARM, so I have no doubts that an ARM version of Adriane would be able to run on it.

The problem is: the official release of Adriane is for x86, and I would not know where to start with recompiling Adriane/Knoppix-specific packages for the ARM architecture or rebuilding and iso from the ARM packages.

Any help that could be provided in remastering Adriane for use on an ARM system would be greatly appreciated.

Also, it would be a nice bonus if along the way, I could purge all the graphical applications found in the Adriane CD, excluding Firefox, Orca, and their dependencies.