View Full Version : How to delay Dropbox autostart?

12-26-2012, 07:55 PM
I am using 6.7.1 and have setup Dropbox to autostart by checking the box in Desktop Session Settings:Automatically Started Applications. Where is the script that autostarts dropbox? How can I delay startup by 10 seconds until after internet connection is established?

12-27-2012, 12:02 PM
I think you should try the suggestions in the article [/URL][URL="http://www.techytalk.info/start-script-on-network-manager-successful-connection/"]Start shell script on Network Manager successful connection (http://www.techytalk.info/start-script-on-network-manager-successful-connection/) .

12-31-2012, 11:44 PM
I think you should try the suggestions in the article Start shell script on Network Manager successful connection (http://www.techytalk.info/start-script-on-network-manager-successful-connection/) .

Thank you for your quick reply. I read your suggestion in the link but admit that I am not very knowledgeable about writing scripts and not sure how to apply it to my situation. I should have been more clear in my original post. When I boot knoppix, Dropbox opens its setup procedure. I think that happens because Dropbox opens before an internet connection is established. I assume that checking the Enabled box for Dropbox in Automatically Started Applications causes a script to run which starts Dropbox. I thought that if I could add "sleep 10" to that script, it would delay Dropbox startup until internet connection was established. By delaying startup until after connection, I would not need to go through the Dropbox setup procedure each time I booted. Is this correct?

01-01-2013, 11:40 PM
I installed Dropbox on Knoppix 7.0.5 via the apt-get command and downloaded the proprietary daemon software.
Then I set up my Dropbox account and found my files. In the directory /home/knoppix/.config/autostart I found a new file dropbox.desktop. It manages the startup of Dropbox after the user knoppix has logged in. Besides some other information it contains a line 'Exec=dropbox start -i'. In an LXTerminal I issued
man dropbox and read about the options of the dropbox command. Afterwards I decided to edit the file /home/knoppix/.config/autostart/dropbox.desktop and to delete the option '-i' from the command string. I saved the file and rebooted the system. I was connected automatically to the Dropbox server without having been asked for the password.

I would suggest that you search for the dropbox.desktop file in the directory and edit the command string.

I hope that helps.

01-07-2013, 07:04 PM
Afterwards I decided to edit the file /home/knoppix/.config/autostart/dropbox.desktop and to delete the option '-i' from the command string. I saved the file and rebooted the system. I was connected automatically to the Dropbox server without having been asked for the password.

I would suggest that you search for the dropbox.desktop file in the directory and edit the command string. I installed Dropbox a long time ago and, frankly, cannot remember how. Synaptic indicates version 1.4.0 is installed, however it is actually 1.6.11. Nautilus is not installed. I deleted '-i' as you suggested and have rebooted several times a day over a period of several days. Sometimes dropbox connects without setup procedure, sometimes it does not. Seems to be random. One difference is that the file in /autostart is named 'Dropbox', not 'dropbox.desktop'. Also, I found four /.config/autostart directories in: /home/knoppix, /KNOPPIX-DATA/home/knoppix, /UNIONFS/home/knoppix, /KNOPPIX/home/knoppix/. 'Dropbox' file is in the first three, but the /autostart directory in the last is empty. Not sure if any of that helps.

Werner P. Schulz
01-07-2013, 10:37 PM
Within '/KNOPPIX/' you can see all of the compressed filesystem "KNOPPIX" from CD/DVD.
During flash disk install "KNOPPIX" will be copied to '/mnt-system/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX'

Within '/KNOPPIX-DATA/' there is all the content from your persistent memory; but do not change anything here. Write, install, edit config files and so on only in the root-folders like /home/, /etc/, /usr/ ....

'/UNIONFS' is the end effect of '/KNOPPIX-DATA' layed over '/KNOPPIX'

01-11-2013, 07:58 PM
Within '/KNOPPIX/' you can see all of the compressed filesystem "KNOPPIX" from CD/DVD.
During flash disk install "KNOPPIX" will be copied to '/mnt-system/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX'

Within '/KNOPPIX-DATA/' there is all the content from your persistent memory; but do not change anything here. Write, install, edit config files and so on only in the root-folders like /home/, /etc/, /usr/ ....

'/UNIONFS' is the end effect of '/KNOPPIX-DATA' layed over '/KNOPPIX'

Thank you for explaining the three directories. As you state, I have only made changes to root-folders.
I am still looking for a solution to dropbox occasionally requiring me to go through the setup procedure. After several days of loading properly, today I had to setup again. I still think it has something to do with timing between when I have internet connection vs. when dropbox starts. If internet connection is immediate, dropbox starts normally. If internet connection is delayed and dropbox starts first, dropbox requires setup after internet connection established.