View Full Version : Remastered Knoppix 7.0.5 hangs for a while during boot

01-08-2013, 12:55 PM
My first remastering of 7.0.5 works quite fine, but like 7.0.3, it hangs for a while during boot, at the [log]. Has anyone else experienced this, and/or has anyone an idea about what causes it? The lag seems to be shorter than with 7.0.3, but it is still there.

(It may of course have something to do with the purging performed before the remastering too.)

01-31-2013, 09:43 PM
I do not experience this with 7.0.4 Can you provide screen shot? Is this physical boot of cd/dvd media, boot via virtualbox, ect? Can you specify for a while? (minutes) (seconds)

01-31-2013, 10:16 PM
I do not experience this with 7.0.4 Can you provide screen shot? Is this physical boot of cd/dvd media, boot via virtualbox, ect? Can you specify for a while? (minutes) (seconds)

I think it must have something to do with changes in UNIONFS implementation, as I don't experience it when I copy /var, /etc and /home over to the new persistent image during remastering. So, that's the remedy for me now. Have tried to find out why, never found an answer. There is no need for screen shots here, it is during the parallel system init, but changing that script didn't help. Lag was about 5 minutes. The new thing with this in 7.0.5, as reported elsewhere, was that some programs did not init properly either. Leading me to suspect all sorts of trouble, but most of the anomalies i saw were related to this. It first cropped up in squashfs remasterings, but now cloop is affected, too. And I'm not going to look closely into this as long as I have a perfect workaround.