View Full Version : soundconfig segmentation fault in several recent Knoppices

06-20-2003, 10:32 AM

When trying to manually configure a SoundBlaster 16 with soundconfig, I get "segmentation fault" and the application terminates.
The 28 April version does not have this problem, though, but all later versions suffer from it.

I'm running Knoppix under Virtual PC 5.2 and have been very happy with it, but this problem goes unnoticed, it seems.
Any clues on how to get soundconfig working and/or an equivalent way to configure music and audio under VirtualPC 5.2?


06-20-2003, 11:23 AM
:arrow: Does the segmentation fault happen when running on a x86 processor? I just ran soundconfig the other day, so I am guessing it is a problem with virtual PC. - an error emulating the processor may cause this, or does it happen when trying to probe the sound?

As an aside, I do wonder what is the plural of Knoppix is.
or Knoppi

06-20-2003, 11:43 PM
>Does the segmentation fault happen when running on a x86 processor?


>I just ran soundconfig the other day, so I am guessing it is a problem with virtual PC. - an error emulating the processor may cause this, or does it happen when trying to probe the sound?

It happens when it tries to probe the sound, after passing the PnP discovery stage. When I manually select Sound Blaster 16 from the menu, I get segmentation fault in the recent Knoppix versions. I doubt it is an emulation problem, because the March/April versions of Knoppix worked flawlessly on this one.

If you run a recent Knoppix (from May/June), could you try it outside VPC and confirm if you get a segmentation error after you select Sound Blaster 16?

>As an aside, I do wonder what is the plural of Knoppix is.
>or Knoppi

vertex --> vertices
Knoppix --> Knoppices

Any other ideas? ;-)

Thanks and best regards,

07-11-2004, 12:14 AM
It happens when it tries to probe the sound, after passing the PnP discovery stage. When I manually select Sound Blaster 16 from the menu, I get segmentation fault in the recent Knoppix versions. I doubt it is an emulation problem, because the March/April versions of Knoppix worked flawlessly on this one.

If you run a recent Knoppix (from May/June), could you try it outside VPC and confirm if you get a segmentation error after you select Sound Blaster 16?

i am running Knoppix 3.4 on a Celeron 366Mhz, 112MB RAM (yes 112MB). not through any virtual machine. i have a soundblaster 16 ISA card installed.

i'm also getting the same "segmentation fault" when running Sound Configuration Utility 0.57 (sndconfig) in Knoppix 3.4 when selecting any of the following: soundblaster, soundblaster pro, soundblaster 16, soundblaster AWE32/64. i don't know if my problem is related or not. i'm getting the same error message no matter if i boot at runlevel 2(text mode) or 5 (X window mode), run sndconfig as root from X window, a different term, or from runlevel 2.

surprisingly, adlib works and gave me some MIDI, although it complained about not being able to write or that the file system was read only.

i'm running with this boot option "knoppix nodma" which might be a problem since i have boot problems if i don't disable DMA.

anyone figure this out yet? could it be the DMA disabling that could cause this in my case? or something to do with the read-only nature of this distro? any help would be appreciated, thanks.

07-12-2004, 04:05 AM

knoppix alsa

with and without setting the bios to non plug and play OS.

Report back -- it could be a bug!

07-13-2004, 06:41 PM

knoppix alsa

with and without setting the bios to non plug and play OS.

Report back -- it could be a bug!

i had already tried booting with alsa=sb16 (guessed at the name), got some error messages during boot and sndconfig still seg faulted. my bios wasn't changed from the NO setting for PNP OS. i had also checked out my physical soundcard to see if it really was PNP, which it was not (i was confusing it with another machine here with another SB16 card that was PNP). i have a SB16 CT2290, an old ISA jumpered card with CDROM attachment for it.

i eventually got the sound working by manually loading it. i went through quite a convoluted procedure from reading off several documents both online and offline. here's what i did according to the sb documents in knoppix (using root account):

modprobe sound
insmod uart401
insmod sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5

this is where i ran into problems. error messages is as follows:

using /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o
/lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: unresolved symbol sb_dsp_init
/lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: unresolved symbol sb_dsp_detect
/lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: unresolved symbol sb_dsp_unload
/lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: unresolved symbol smw_free
/lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: unresolved symbol unload_sbmpu
/lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o: unresolved symbol probe_sbmpu

eventually i read from an online document to do:

modprobe sb

after that, i tried:

cat /bin/* > /dev/dsp

and got some nice static.. :) it worked in Xwindow apps as well. this didn't resolve the sndconfig problem, but it was a way around it.
i hope this will help someone out there.

10-27-2004, 11:56 AM
had also a segfaumt with 0.57 sndconfig

i used Sound Configuration Utility 0.67 and works fine