View Full Version : tsclient RDP reboots winxp computer after log-in or file transfer

04-16-2013, 02:51 AM
Greetings, First here's bit of background info:
On Monday april 8, 2013 my roomate indicated he think he has a computer virus.
On april 11, 2013 I'm at the office connecting from knoppix RDP Terminal Server Client to my winxp box at home as usual when I notice the connection wasn't as fast as I like. This isn't a big deal because sometimes the connection is slow using RDP with Terminal Server Client.

So I use VNC with Terminal Server Client. No issues, work as it should. I'm not sure if i disconnected when I was done or not but it didn't matter since when I leave the office it would disconnect. I reconnected my knoppix laptop once I got home later that night wired to my D-link switch, not sure if I use the internet router address or my local private address, using either VNC or RDP. As you all know sometime we fall asleep at the wheel with the engine running..lol..lol.

Then on Friday morning april 12, 2013 received a call from microsoft requesting my roommate saying his computer was infected and he could fix it. I went along with him cause of reason maybe the roommate did call microsoft and they were calling him back.

I didn't have his computer in front of me so, I thought I would go through part way on my box and understand what the guy was talking about. It go strange when he asked who is may cable provider. I didn't respond to the question because to me it didn't matter. So they want me to check the eventviewer and thats when I lost connection with them and thats when my problems with RDP started. Recalled the number on my phone and it was a (240-xxx-0000). After looking it up online, I find it is a scam. So I need some help from you good people.

laptop is knoppix liveDVD 7.0.4
Desktop is winxp sp3
I went to reconnect using TSClient with my wired knoppix laptop using the private local address and noticed once I connected and logged-in, the winxp box would show the desktop for a few seconds and the winxp box would reboot resulting in my knoppix laptop system being disconnected.

I ran ad-aware and avast. Both software found something that could be removed. This didn't solve the issue, winxp system still reboots upon logging-in using RDP. VNC never presented an issue. Tried Remmina RDP. It worked with it worked with the desktop but the sound didn't work and the drip mapping didn't work I upgraded remmina to the latest experimental version.

When I tried to connect from the laptop just enabling the option for hard drive mapping caused the desktop to reboot. I reinstalled the TSClient. It acted like it was going to work but as soon as I attempted to transfer a file the desktop would reboot. I rebooted the knoppix dvd and start over from scratch. I then went into synoptics to reload and allowed the system to get all the most up to date plugins and binaries. After 2hrs of downloading, the system failed to up grade. I then finally got the upgraded remmina to install. first by downloading http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/r/remmina/remmina_1.0.0-4+deb7u1_i386.deb and placing it in the /home/knoppix/.remmina and going to the synaptics and upgrading from there. The RDP was installed with no errors. Set map drive option and test connection all is well. I was able to see the laptop drives but as soon as I attempted to transfer a file from the desktop to the laptop, the desktop reboots.

I turn my attention to upgrade TightVNC from 2.0.4 to 2.6 leaving all setting the same. Attempted RDP from laptop to desktop so I can transfer a file. Still the transfer failed although all the rebooting at loging is no longer happening and the sound is workin. Question, how to get file transfer working in RDP with either TSClient or Remmina? Oh and I did reducess the hardware acceleration on the video but it too had no effect.

Werner P. Schulz
04-16-2013, 07:38 AM
I ran ad-aware and avast. Both software found something that could be removed. Don't fiddle around with WinXP! Install it again using the origin DVD.