View Full Version : user root en kn-remaster (using knoppix 7.2!!!)

06-28-2013, 12:32 PM

I'm bulding a custom knoppix CD with the kn-remaster script (I know this has not been released for the 7.2 knoppix CD!!, but besides this it works fine)
I modified knoppix-startx script and changes the user "knoppix" to user "root" so the CD boots and logs in as user "root"
Now when I build and run the iso all the icons en background settings are not there, just a clean desktop with no icons or background wallpaper.

When I look in /opt/knx/remaster/root/Desktop the icons are there!
Why does't this work?, anyone got any idea?

Thank you.

Werner P. Schulz
06-28-2013, 03:33 PM
Never, never, never boot and use Linux (in this case Knoppix) as root! This is a mortal sin.

07-01-2013, 08:48 AM
Never, never, never boot and use Linux (in this case Knoppix) as root! This is a mortal sin.

Yes yes, I know.. The CD is not used outside this building, I dont care about security. This is a special project and only for internal use. I need this to run a couple of scripts at boot, or a way to run scripts and create directories without

Or is there a way to give the user " knoppix" root privileges. I just dont want to "sudo su".!!?

Werner P. Schulz
07-01-2013, 06:53 PM
I need this to run a couple of scripts at boot, ..Why not use knoppix.sh (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes#Cheatcodes_and_hints) for this (tip 4)? This script will be executed by root and you can create your directories.
Or is there a way to give the user " knoppix" root privileges. I just dont want to "sudo su".!!? You don't need "sudo su". Have a look within '/etc/sudoers' and you can see that "knoppix" can do all without password.

For example
sudo mkdir -p /test/test1/test2

07-02-2013, 08:23 AM

I already use the knoppix.sh script. But besides this script, I have a dozen of other scripts that I use. I just dont want the user to "sudo" every command / script. (I am using the scripts to mount windows harddrives, fetch fsarchiver images, do badblock test etc etc.)
The weird thing is I remasterd the 7.05 CD with user root and desktop icons without any problems. Now with the 7.2 CD it just doesn't work. I just can't figure out why!,
All the Desktop icons are in /opt/knx/remaster/root/desktop folder. I also tried to move the home folder to /home/root in the passwd file, but this also doesnt work.
Somehow when the CD is build, the /root/desktop folder is "reset". When I boot the CD it is just a clean desktop.

I understand that using "root" is not the "right" way, but this is just how I remasterd the knoppix CD from knoppix live ;-) and the users are accustomed to.

07-02-2013, 11:05 AM
OMG I feel so stupid.....
It works!!!!...

I Just selected the wrong iso the whole time. using virtualbox..... AAAAAaaaargh... coffeee.....

Thank you for your time.. Maybe someone can just delete this whole topic ;-) and spare me the humilliation.