View Full Version : How do I disable CDROM drive?

09-24-2013, 09:05 PM
Summary of what I'd like to do:
1. Could you fine chaps tell me how to disable my CDROM drive, and how to re-enable it, at will.

0. Got knoppix distro 7.0.2, kernel release 3.3.7, on hard disk, on Acer Aspire 5755G laptop.

1. When I use the Kate text editor, and select File/Open, the process is SLOWED DOWN by having to wait for the CDROM drive to spin up to speed (and make itself available), before Kate's Open dialogue is shown.

2. I rarely need files off the CDROM drive when using Kate (or anything else), so I'd like to disable the CDROM drive, so that Kate doesn't waste this time looking at it.

3. I believe that if I remove the CD that's currently in the drive, that that will stop Kate looking at the CDROM drive, but I want to leave the CD in the drive.I would be most grateful for your technical assistance.


Formatted by moderator
Use double "new line" for new section.

You can use the "Go Advanced" button to have more abilities to format the posting; before sending your posting use "Preview" to see how it looks like.

If "noscript" is active for http://knoppix.net/forum/ disable it for this website; otherwise you cannot use the format abilities.

Werner P. Schulz
09-25-2013, 12:37 AM
umount /media/sr0and
mount /media/sr0

10-06-2013, 09:00 PM
Thanks Werner.1. Unfortunately umount /media/sr0 doesn't work (drive still spins up in Kate), but thankyou for you kind suggestion.2. Thanks very much for formatting my post, and for your instructions about formatting, which I'll follow. I'm sorry but I don't know what "noscript" is. If it's something that one enables in Chromium (the browser I use), I've had a look in Tools/Settings but can't find a reference to "noscript".But actually, when I was posting to this fine site about a year ago, the text bunching up DIDN'T HAPPEN, and I've not touched anything since in Chromium to do with "noscrip". I'm using the same method of preparing my text now as I did then (which is: I type my post in a local file on my laptop using Kate editor, with auto hard newlines every 80 characters. Then I cut it and paste into your thread preparation box). So I'm guessing that the bunching up isn't to do with "noscript".3. By-the-way, when I click "Quick Reply", "Reply", or "Edit Post", a rotating (busy?) symbol appears next to what I clicked, and it rotates permanently. What does this mean? (This used to happen a year ago when I clicked "Edit Post").Thanks. John

10-06-2013, 09:11 PM
Sorry Werner (re above post bunched up again). I did put double newlines, and I prepared the above post (#3) entirely within the "Quick Reply" box (no local typing in Kate at all).This line here has 4 newlines above it to see what happens. Regards, John.

Werner P. Schulz
10-07-2013, 09:45 AM
I'm sorry but I don't know what "noscript" is. If it's something that one enables in Chromium (the browser I use)"noscript" is an add-on of Firefox/Iceweasel and not of Chromium.

By-the-way, when I click "Quick Reply", "Reply", or "Edit Post", a rotating (busy?) symbol appears next to what I clicked, and it rotates permanently.I don't use Chromium and have no experience with it. I also cannot see the button "Go Advanced" if I try to use Chromium. I suppose Chromium is broken and you cannot use it for postings to this forum.