View Full Version : lsmod empy in 7.2.0 version

10-20-2013, 07:43 PM
Hello Folks,
I downloaded the 7.2.0 version and am seeing that when i do an lsmod there is nothing.absolutely zero records.
The reason I was trying to check which modules are loaded is because my intel wireless card which was working in 7.0.4 version has stopped working with my upgrade to 7.2.0.
Also the display looks shifted horizontally.That is the 10% of right side of the screen is shown on the left hand side.
Has anyone else seen a similar issue ?
I tried manually inserting the modules but it gives incorrect format error.I tried with both 32-bit and 64-bit kernel.
Any help is appreciated in debugging this.

10-20-2013, 10:04 PM
Figured it out.I had incorrectly copied the linux and minirt.gz from an older version of knoppix.Now everything is working fine.