View Full Version : suggestion to load persistent settings when booting from CD

12-27-2013, 02:55 PM
Currently, there is no way to load persistent settings if Knoppix is booted from a read-only medium. I suggest a change to the init script in the minirt, so that it is possible e.g. to boot from a CD and enter a boot parameter to load the KNOPPIX-DATA overlay file from a file somewhere else.

knoppix home=/dev/sdb1/path/to/file/loadme
should load the file loadme.img or loadme.aes from the stated device and path.

diff between original init and the new version:

> preparehome(){
> # mount device and set the correct mounted path in $home
> DEVICE=`echo $home | awk -F/ '{print "/"$2"/"$3}'`
> HOMEFILE="${home#$DEVICE/}"
> #check if the device is already mounted
> MOUNTED=`mount | grep ^$DEVICE | awk '{print $3}'`
> if [ -n "$MOUNTED" ]
> then
> if [ -r "$MOUNTED"/${HOMEFILE}.* ]
> then
> fi
> else
> # make mount point
> [ -d /mnt-home ] || mkdir -m 755 /mnt-home
> trymount "$DEVICE" /mnt-home >/dev/null 2>&1
> if [ -r /mnt-home/${HOMEFILE}.* ]
> then
> home=/mnt-home/${HOMEFILE}
> fi
> fi # if mounted
> } # preparehome
> # if home is in parameters and starts with /dev/ mount the device and find the file
> [ -n "$home" ] && [ `echo $home | awk -F/ '{print $2}'` = "dev" ] && preparehome
What's the point ? To be able to use an unmodified verifiable ISO and still load settings. Some computers cannot boot from USB, and maybe one isn't allowed to copy Knoppix to the hard disk.