View Full Version : How make for OTHER appl virtual printers of konqueror/iceweasel as "default printer"

08-04-2014, 05:08 PM

How to make, for OTHER applications (than these 2 web browsers), virtual printers of Iceweasel or Konqueror as "a default printer" IF POSSIBLE?
(For Knoppix 7.2 for example)

My interest for this is to always and directly printing to "pdf_files" within ANY application. Perhaps this depends highly on the program used?

Is that possible? If not, why?

Am I on the right forum? I saw here some posts about "printing"....If not i am sorry.

Thanks you for your help

08-04-2014, 09:27 PM
Hi knp,

I do not know if I can answer your question because applications could use different ways to print files, but I suggest that you install the package cups-pdf and make the new printer PDF your default printer. You will find files printed by this printer in the directory /var/spool/cups-pdf/ANONYMOUS or in the directory /home/knoppix/PDF.

08-04-2014, 10:16 PM
Greetings Klaus2008
Thanks you. I shall try as soon as possible.
Cups seems to be interessant when one can find the good files.
You indicate me WHERE to find them.
I am not very initiated about knoppix by lack of time.
Thanks you once again

08-05-2014, 12:30 PM
Hi Klaus2008

I tried CUPS once again via a " #LPT1-Printer " and I choosed a" Generic-PDF Printer".
This time I obained a good "message-printing" and never an "error message".
But it does not ask the name of the file NOR WHERE to put these "pdf-files printed".
I used the "Search Function" for Pdf files over ALL Folders (long to do).
I never found them.
I shall try again if time is found.

08-10-2014, 10:01 PM
Hi Klaus2008 ..(and others eventually!)

Your idea is excellent for me and works for ALL applications (even using WINE).
I went the wrong way because i had never installed before nor updated any pack nor any program.since i saw in these forums advertisement (reported from Mr Knopper)
So I DO NOT install knoppix on my HDD before having a good background
and training about some fudamental topics (I come from another « PC-Universe »).
So I work only « in Live DVD » since, despite i have an old Knoppix 5.2 HDD_installed.

Really Cups-PDF installs a real virtual printer visible on the list of printers.
So it is INDEPENDANT of that « pdf-printer of Knoppix 7.2 (Iceweasel/konqueror etc..) which
never appears on the list of « printers ».
Thanks you very much for your good idea

Beeing forced to « Re-install Cups-PDF » after EVERY Booting on my LIVE_DVD:

Dœs it exist any way to « BACK-UP SAFELY the so « LIVE-installed Cups/cups-pdf »
so as to « RESTORE them Quickly on LIVE »?
I saw there are more than 200 programs involving cups!

Thanks you all for any idea

Greetings all