View Full Version : "sed" error message at boot

08-16-2014, 02:51 PM
Near the end of the verbose boot process, I see a line saying:

"sed: can't move /etc/default/keyboardxxxxxx to /etc/default/keyboard. No such file or directory."

xxxxxxx being a bunch of characters that seem to change on each reboot.

My Knoppix 7.4-EN DVD LXDE 32-bit is installed on a USB key with a persistent overlay of 4GB.

In 'etc/default/keyboard', I have edited XKBLAYOUT to read "fr" instead of "us", but the error message already appeared well before that editing.

Otherwise, Knoppix does not complain and boots properly. I shall continue to ignore that error if it cannot be fixed.

08-16-2014, 07:53 PM
@Werner Please this/my thread and post. Tanks.

08-16-2014, 09:13 PM

I mean delete ...

Werner P. Schulz
08-16-2014, 10:39 PM
Excuse me, but I'll not delete your posting as you've wanted, because I've also seen this error. For me it happens neither with V7.2.0 nor V7.4.0 but with flash disk install of V7.3.0

There I've found within the overlay the folder '/KNOPPIX-DATA/etc/default/keyboard/' with multipe X-Debian-*.desktop files. I've not created this folder and don't know anything about the cause of this error. This folder prevents '/etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig' to insert within the file '/etc/default/keyboard' the proper values and the file will be deleted. Now you have problems with your keyboard and xkeyboard settings by the cheatcode or Micro-Remaster.

To fix this error rename the folder
mv /KNOPPIX-DATA/etc/default/keyboard/ /KNOPPIX-DATA/etc/default/keyboard_false/

08-17-2014, 10:18 AM

OK but at least you should delete the '/' after 'keyboard'?
