View Full Version : Remastering without a GUI.

Jeffery Mewtamer
08-21-2014, 06:35 PM
I'm currently running a highly customized harddrive install of Adriane Knoppix 7.2, and I've downloaded the 7.4 DVD in hopes of remastering it to better fit my needs. Seeing as how every I use my computer for than isn't Iceweasel is done from the terminal, i am no stranger to the command line, and most gui tools are beyond my reach. My two main questions are: 1. How can I alter the ISO to boot in Adriane mode by default? I'd normally just download the Adriane CD, but that hasn't been released, and using cheat codes at boot time isn't doable with my poor vision. 2. Working entirely from the command line, how would I go about remastering Knoppix to cut out all of the stuff I don't want or need while still maintaining an iso/optical disk that can e used for hard drive installs? This is mainly to speed things up when my tinkering or a bad software upgrade breaks something and forces me to do a clean install to get a usable system again.

Werner P. Schulz
08-21-2014, 09:19 PM
Hello Jefferey,

these days K Knopper is working on a new version of Knoppix (V7.4.1) and I hope he will also offer an Adriane CD then. I suggest to wait still one or two weeks.

Jeffery Mewtamer
09-23-2014, 02:12 AM
Since 7.4.1 is out and still no sign of an official Adriane CD, I decided to try a micro remaster. Downloading, mounting, and copying the contents of the 7.2.0 CDs for both normal and adriane knoppix and using fdupes to get rid for files that are the same in both images, I determined that /boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg seems to be where hard coded cheat codes are located. Comparing the normal and adriane versions of this file in 7.2.0, I attempted to make the appropriate changes to the 7.4.1 version of the file. I mount the 741 iso, copied its contents to my hardrive, used chmod 777 to get write access, and then changed the default auto line at the top of /boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg to default adriane. After making that alteration, I rebuilt the iso with genisoimage and burned it to DVD using wodim. Unfortunately, when I attempt to boot the newly burned disc, my netbook gives me a invalid boot media error. Any ideas what I did wrong? d

Werner P. Schulz
09-23-2014, 11:17 AM
It's a hard job to build a new minimal version of Knoppix. Have also a look at the survey of K. Knopper. (http://knoppix.net/forum/threads/31210-Survey-of-CD-minimal-version-by-K-Knopper?p=131415#post131415)