View Full Version : where did my 4gig dl go?

10-09-2014, 07:59 PM
knoppix 742 where did my 4gig dl go?

i noticed on distrowatch that there was an updated version of knoppix which included a fix for shellshock.
however, they only showed a link for a 4g file.
knowing that the documentation mentions somewhere that a knoppix cd can include 2gig of software due to some fancy "when used" compression, i wondered what the 4g dl, i.e. 12 gig of actual software, could possibly include.
i decided that whatever it was - i didn't need it, probably, as i more than happy with the standard release.
so i went to the knoppix site to find a cd dl.
when i couldn't find one (i looked on a number of mirror sites too),
i bit the bullet and dl'd the 4 gig ... which, thanks to sky broadband, would take some time.
when the dl had finished, i verified it with both the md5 & sha1 checksums.
all was well ...

using the flash-knoppix instructions here:
i created a bootable flash drive using a 16g kingston.
problem, the bootable partition had only used 743meg
i.e. far less than the 4g i had dl'd.
clearly, it hadn't worked.
so i wiped the pendrive (gparted) ... and started again.
but it was the same ...

what happened to the 4gig file i dl'd?

is there any chance of "expanding" on the flash-knoppix instructions plz?
1) maybe explain just what an "overlay" file is.
2) certainly detail what minimum size (and type!) partitions are needed.

the reason i make these suggestions:
i initially partitioned my pendrive, before using flash-knoppix, making a 4gig (the size of the file i had dl'd) and the rest of it (12g) ext4.
flash-knoppix didn't like the ext4 so i ended up zapping the entire drive.
if the util is only going to put 743meg on the boot partition then i am wasting over 3gb of my drive.
on the other hand, if it IS going to use the space themn plez tell me what for AND what the optimum size should be.
no-body mentioned it needing a reiserfs partition. ok, if i had been more knoppix savy then i might have guessed. but instructions should not be written for the savy - they should be written for noobs.

Werner P. Schulz
10-10-2014, 10:04 AM
Please have a look at HD install. (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Category:Hard_drive_Installation)

10-10-2014, 05:38 PM
Had similar problem. Posted a question here, and did not any replies. My Knoppix drive is sitting now for many many months waiting to be resuscitated back to life. Had just a few but important docs on the partition, which I foolishly encrypted for safety. It's so safe in fact I can even access it, which is a great pity as my original files got corrupted, and Knoppix has copies of non-corrupted files. Ironic !!!
I rarely encrypt for this purpose. Not because I do not want security, but because a live installation of any type can trap the data from you even if you have the key !
I will only ever encypt data ever again, where I am not depending on accessing that data. Data on a Knoppix partition should be only one of 3 copies. A Sync application built in would be really useful.
But would be VERY wary of installing one into Knoppix(that's exactly what got me into the mess!).

10-15-2014, 03:56 PM
Please have a look at HD install. (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Category:Hard_drive_Installation)
thanks for replying, however ...
sorry i really don't understand what a hd install has to do with my problem ...

please see below for summary of my problem.

Had similar problem. <snip>... encrypted </snip>
thanks for replying, however ...
sorry but i honstly don't know why you thought my post was about encryption

please see below for summary of my problem.

summary of my origianal post:

why is the dl file for vers7.4.2 4gig when flash-knoppix only burns 743meg to the pendrive??
i.e. what was the remaining 3.3gig of the file i dl'd for??

plz, plz, plz specify what the ideal configuration for a pendrive should be, i.e. partition size(s) & type(s).

Werner P. Schulz
10-15-2014, 05:03 PM
http://knoppix.net/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Werner P. Schulz http://knoppix.net/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://knoppix.net/forum/showthread.php?p=131480#post131480)
Please have a look at HD install. (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Category:Hard_drive_Installation)
thanks for replying, however ...
sorry i really don't understand what a hd install has to do with my problem ...
If you would read this link, you could also learn more about the Knoppix methods of flash disk installation!

To avoid problems with Knoppix installation don't use Pendrive.

And have a look at Cheatcodes (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes) - especially => Tips & Tricks.

10-17-2014, 01:49 AM
If you would read this link, you could also learn more about the Knoppix methods of flash disk installation!i had seen the different methods of flash install, however, i had booted from an older vers of knoppix (7.2.0) that i already had on a pen/thumb/usb/flash/?? drive and i wanted to "burn" the latest (7.4.2) to a usb pluggable drive. therefore, i couldn't select "Knoppix => Install KNOPPIX to flash disk" from the menu.

as i understood it, and please correct me if i'm wrong, in these circumstances the flash-knoppix util should be used, i.e. "burn" a dl'd iso, rather than the booted system, to a usb plugable drive.

although i didn't want to burn the 7.4.2 iso to dvd, after reading your post i did just that (running system was knoppix 7.2.0 booted from a usb plugable drive). the burn completed successfully but the dvd would not boot.i later burned another dvd (using basero running on an antix mx14 system), again the burn ended without error but it would not boot.

i have burned many cd's & dvd's in the past, the vast majority without any problems PLUS the checksum is fine.so i'm stuck, if i can't burn a working 7.4.2 dvdand...i can't use the flash-knoppix util to burn the 7.4.2 iso to a usb plugable drive (because doing that only puts 743 meg on the plugable drive and not the full 4g in the iso)and...i really don't fancy attempting any of the, should we say, 'less automated methods' of booting (7.4.2) or making bootable (7.4.2) media...what should i do?

To avoid problems with Knoppix installation don't use Pendrive.are you saying that i (we) should only boot from cd or dvd?

if not, i'm confused ...tbh, i have never understood the difference between a USB drive, a thumb drive, a keydrive or a pendrive (except when it refers to a flash memory card that is inserted into a usb reader). having said that, after reading your post, i did a quick search and it would seem that others are similarly baffled.


Little format by mod

Use double "new line" for new section and please use uppercase.

Werner P. Schulz
10-17-2014, 04:31 PM
With "flash disk install" you can only create a Knoppix installation to an USB device of the running Knoppix version, not of other versions.

Did you test the md5sum of the download? With your burning tool did you select to burn a ISO (image)? Use slow burn rate!

Perhaps you have the ability to use this (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_Remastering_Howto#Test_CD_Image_Without_Bu rning_a_CD).

The first time start your Knoppix with the cheatcode "knoppix textcd".
To avoid problems with Knoppix installation don't use Pendrive.

are you saying that i (we) should only boot from cd or dvd?
Oh, no! This means you should not use the methods of Pendrive Linux, USB Creator and so on, if you want to get a Knoppix installation without problems.

10-17-2014, 06:39 PM
With "flash disk install" you can only create a Knoppix installation to an USB device of the running Knoppix version, not of other versions.

Thanks, however, i did realise this. I have previously used "flash disk install" to a make the usb bootable copy of 7.2.0 i had on cd.
As i mentioned in my original post, i used the flash-knoppix util to put the 7.4.2 dvd iso to make a new usb bootable.

Did you test the md5sum of the download? With your burning tool did you select to burn a ISO (image)? Use slow burn rate!

As mentioned in original post, md5sum was verified.

Yes, i certainly did burn the dvd iso image as an iso, using whatever the default burning tool is with knoppix 7.2 (i have burned many iso previously and, since bining windoze, i have made very few coasters).

I am never in such a rush that i need to burn quickly therefore i make a point
of always burning as slowly as the device permits.

Perhaps you have the ability to use this.

Sorry, but i have never had any luck running any virtual system and i really don't fancy even attempting this. Plus this is a very old laptop with very limited memory.

The first time start your Knoppix with the cheatcode "knoppix textcd"
Even though the usb bootable drive version i made of the 7.4.2 iso works fine?
Sorry but i'm not sure what i would be testing or even why (given that it works!).

All i was, am, concerned about is that the 4gig dvd iso of 7.4.2 only makes a 743 meg image on the usb bootable drive.
Where does the remainder of the file i downloaded go? And why did i need to download it if it wasn't needed?

Oh, no! This means you should not use the methods of Pendrive Linux, USB Creator and so on, if you want to get a Knoppix installation without problems.
OK but i did not use any of those methods. As i said above (and in my previous posts), i used "flash disk install" to make the usb bootable of a running 7.2.0 and then the "flash-knoppix" util to make the usb bootable from the 7.4.2 dvd iso file.

If either of those actions where wrong, please tell me.

Werner P. Schulz
10-19-2014, 09:35 AM
All i was, am, concerned about is that the 4gig dvd iso of 7.4.2 only makes a 743 meg image on the usb bootable drive.Please tell us the output of
df -hof the usb bootable drive version you made of the 7.4.2 iso.

10-21-2014, 09:41 PM
Sorry for the delay but as the usb stick was wrong (due to it's size), imo, i trashed it. So i had to re-make it to get the data you needed ...
To be absolutely sure all was ok i even dl'd the iso again ... and re-checked the md5sun ... and re-checked the sha1sum ... everything was correct.

The output 16gb usb stick is partitioned as: 4gb fat32 & 2 other (Linux) partitions.
I am attaching 6 screen shots. The first 4 are time stamped and named showing the writing of the usb stick, the options taken during the usb sticks creation plus the output of that process.
I then shutdown, removed the previously booted usb stick (7.2.0) and rebooted the newly created usb stick. I then took 2 more screenshots. The first of those shows that the the booted system displayed version 7.2 - NOT 7.4.2! The second (final) image shows the results of the kyein (df -h) you requested PLUS a further keyin i thought might be useful.

Clearly something has gone sadly wrong! It obviously looks like the flash-knoppix command has ignored the name of the iso and created the new usb drive from the booted system ... although why beats me!

Any ideas please?

10-21-2014, 09:47 PM
Sorry, forum limit of 5 files ... so here's the last one:p

Werner P. Schulz
10-22-2014, 08:39 AM
..removed the previously booted usb stick.. (7.2.0)You cannot use V7.2.0 to create a flash disk install V7.4.0! (My posting #7). The script "flash-knoppix" doesn't take care of the additional parameter "KNOPPIX...iso"!

Boot with your DVD V7.4.2 and do the flash disk install.

The output of "df -h" is ok. At '/mnt-system' are the files of the boot-process and the big file (4GB) of the compressed filesystem KNOPPIX; 'KNOPPIX-DATA is your overlay partition (3GB).

10-22-2014, 02:32 PM

You cannot use V7.2.0 to create a flash disk install V7.4.0! (My posting #7).

With respect Werner, your post #7 actually said ...

With "flash disk install" you can only create a Knoppix installation to an USB device of the running Knoppix version, not of other versions.

You did not actually mention the "flash-knoppix" utility - which i assumed would work as the example shown implies, i.e. using the iso file named on the util call line.
Especially as the usage instructions for "flash-knoppix" are contained in a section headed "Computers without DVD" and state "just add the name of the .iso file as commandline parameter to flash-knoppix"
<full text shown below>

Computers without DVD drive
The flash-knoppix script since Knoppix 7.4.0 supports on-the-fly conversion of a DVD ISO image for direct flashing of a USB pendrive or disk. By using this, the intermediate step of burning a DVD and booting from it, can be skipped. For burning a CD or DVD, only one single .iso file matching your language and version choice, is sufficient. For using this feature, just add the name of the .iso file as commandline parameter to flash-knoppix like this: flash-knoppix KNOPPIX_V7.4.1DVD-2014-09-28-EN.iso

Above text, which was my bible (as mentioned in my initial post), was taken from:


Furthermore, i had said:

I had seen the different methods of flash install, however, i had booted from an older vers of Knoppix (7.2.0) that i already had on a pen/thumb/usb/flash/?? drive and i wanted to "burn" the latest (7.4.2) to a usb pluggable drive. Therefore, i couldn't select "Knoppix => Install KNOPPIX to flash disk" from the menu.
As i understood it, and please correct me if i'm wrong, in these circumstances the flash-knoppix util should be used, i.e. "burn" a dl'd iso, rather than the booted system, to a usb plugable drive.


The script "flash-knoppix" doesn't take care of the additional parameter "KNOPPIX...iso"!

OK, i hear what you are saying, however, that would seem to mean that the documentation (as shown above) is wrong.


Boot with your DVD V7.4.2 and do the flash disk install.

There's just a tiny problem here ...

Although i didn't want to burn the 7.4.2 iso to dvd, after reading your post i did just that (running system was knoppix 7.2.0 booted from a usb plugable drive). the burn completed successfully but the dvd would not boot. I later burned another dvd (using basero running on an antiX MX-14 system), again the burn ended without error but it would not boot.

if i can't burn a working 7.4.2 dvd and...i can't use the flash-knoppix util </SNIP>...what should i do?

Werner P. Schulz
10-23-2014, 04:13 PM
Especially as the usage instructions for "flash-knoppix" are contained in a section headed "Computers without DVD" and state "just add the name of the .iso file as commandline parameter to flash-knoppix"Thank you for this hint. Therefore I looked over the script "flash-knoppix" in the different Knoppix versions and found since V7.4.1 a new funktion within the script
usage(){ echo "Usage: $0 [-a] [-f] [-m i|p|n] [-p mb] [image|dir] [target_device]" >&2
echo " -a Allow fixed disks" >&2
echo " -f Force overwrite, no questions (batch mode)" >&2
echo " -m i Method: Create overlay image" >&2
echo " -m p Method: Create overlay partition (recommended)" >&2
echo " -m n Method: No overlay (read only)" >&2
echo " -p mb Overlay partition or image size in MB >= 200" >&2
echo " image.iso Loopmount source ISO file" >&2
echo " dir Source data directory containing files" >&2
echo " target_device Destination block device (flash disk)" >&2
exit 1
}You can see the possible additional parameters with
flash-knoppix --help

With elderly Knoppix versions this doesn't work. In the next days I'll supplement the Wiki.

10-24-2014, 07:40 PM
Greetings, Werner.

Thanks for pointing out the recent changes in Knoppix in regard
to flash-knoppix operations on hard disks.

It seems that Klaus K has recently expanded the usage options of the
flash-knoppix main menu choice. Additional choices now appear when
an initial choice to allow hard disks as objects on which to apply
flash-knoppix operations. These additional choices (may) require
additional parameters to be specified.

I think it would be advisable to include the flash-knoppix help/usage menu
as a new stanza in knoppix-cheatcodes.txt as a bare minimum
documentation of the availability of these options.

10-25-2014, 05:22 PM
Thank you for this hint.You are very welcome Werner, only too glad that my problems actually helped.It's also great to know that this old man still has the knack of finding a problem were none previously existed :)Thanks for all your help ... plus your willingness and skills to help.Kenn

10-25-2014, 06:12 PM
For a more readable version of the previous post, read on ...

You are very welcome Werner, i am only too glad that my problems actually helped.

It is also great to know that this old man still has the knack of finding a problem were none previously existed :)

Thanks for all your help ... plus your willingness and skills to help.