View Full Version : Knoppix 7.4.2 Iceweasel does not connect to outlook.com. JAVA Problem

10-10-2014, 11:38 PM
Please Can some one tell me if he is able to connect to outlook.com with iceweasel? (Knoppix 7.4.2) For me it is a Java problem. I have tried to disable all that I could about Java! Chromium works without problem. Thanks you knp

10-11-2014, 11:12 AM
It works if you previously disable the noscript extension and enable cookies. Doing so, I've been able to login to outlook.com.

10-11-2014, 08:11 PM
hi guest
Thanks you very much.I tried to disable Noscript LOCALLY (some pages). I understand that it must be disabled GLOBALLY as an "ADD-ON". You do not need to modify "cookies settings". The diificulty comes from the fact that, "usually", there do exist settings for javascript in Iceweasel itsef independently of Noscript.
I catch this occasion to ask you about 2 questions which have nothing to do with the actual question:
1- In my Knoppix7_EN, at the boot for choosing appropriate
cheatcodes, the signs "=" and "/" are not obtained, curiously, in
the "usual" way :
"=" needs to type " shift+@"
"/" needs to type "shift+8"
2- Have you succeded to install Knoppix7 on a memory stick (NOT
memory CARD!)? It seems that some one succed and many
others no (like me)
I posted these 2 questions as a post_response to a post related to "installing on usb flash memory". This ask_response has not been accepted and has been deleted.
Thank you

Werner P. Schulz
10-11-2014, 09:20 PM
This ask_response has not been accepted and has been deleted.
Nobody has deleted your posting (http://knoppix.net/forum/threads/31166-V7-4-0-failure-with-flash-disk-install?p=131458&viewfull=1#post131458).

10-11-2014, 10:04 PM
Nobody has deleted your posting (http://knoppix.net/forum/threads/31166-V7-4-0-failure-with-flash-disk-install?p=131458&viewfull=1#post131458).

Thanks you W.P.Schulz.
I tried to retrieve this post-response_question but not
found it. So I decided to buy a 500Go USB_HDD must cheaper than numerous SD_CARD in regards of their respective capacity.This" resolves" the "usb-flash-stick_install".But the other question about keyboard booting signs is remaining. I shall try to download another "ISO" and burn it.
Perhaps this will solve the "problem".
I catch this occasion to ask you if there is a kind of "guide" for formatting texts: for example using Quotes (in the good manner), presentation etc...
Sometimes the Text AND the Preview seem good...and finally the real post can have poor presentation. I saw that other users have had the same problem: presentation in a kind of "column" like in a "newspaper".
I am wondering if it does not depend somewhat to the browser used.

Werner P. Schulz
10-12-2014, 06:09 AM
Use double "new line" for new section.

You can use the "Go Advanced" button to have more abilities to format the posting; before sending your posting use "Preview" to see how it looks like.

If "noscript" (within Iceweasel/Firefox) is active for http://knoppix.net/forum/ disable it for this website; otherwise you cannot use the format abilities. Do not use Chrome/Chromium!

Below the editor area is the "Additional Options" area. With "Attachments => Manage Attachments" you can upload images and after this insert them in your posting.

10-12-2014, 02:55 PM
Thanks you W.P Schulz

10-12-2014, 11:08 PM
Hi. Yes, I had to completely disable noscript and restart firefox in order to get outlook.com working.

As for your other questions, sorry, but I don't have an english keyboard, can't help you on that one. However, I have to press the same key to type an '=' as with any other application configured to use the US keyboard layout (e.g. dosbox). Regarding the usb memory installation, I have Knoppix 7.4.2 installed on an 8gb memory stick (not a memory card) with a 3gb persistent file (not partition). I just used the "install to flash disk" option inside the knoppix menu.

10-14-2014, 11:35 AM
Hi guest
Thanks you.

1- I tried a 8go like you.No success. So I was obliged to buy a
500Go_USB_HDD to "resolve" definitely the problem. You had a
good luck

2- I shall have to download and burn another "7.4.2_ISO" on
another Mirror.

Thanks you for your response


Harry Kuhman
10-14-2014, 06:34 PM
2- I shall have to download and burn another "7.4.2_ISO" on
another Mirror.


If the md5 check of a download passed then nothing is accomplished by doing another download. If the md5 check didn't pass then there was no point in doing the first burn. In any case you shouldn't be downloading from another mirror. If there is only one minor error then a torrent client can repair the bad download by only downloading one or two blocks, not the entire ISO. If the ISO is bad for the reason that I've frequently seen (translation of NL bytes to CR/LF pairs) then in my experience you have about 50% chance of this happening again if you still insist on using the mirrors. The torrents are faster and correct any errors that occur, should take just a few minutes to install and start using a torrent client.

A clue that the NL to CR/LF translation occurred is that the iso is a few K larger than it should be, check the size at the byte level.

If the translation occurred, corrupting the file, the ISO should also be able to be fixed by a program that does the reverse translation. I'm not going to go into details about that here since if a user isn't going to learn to use a torrent and get the file right in the first place then I assume that they are not going to learn to use the translation program either. I know the torrent client will work, I don't know for sure that the translation is what corrupted the first iso download.

10-14-2014, 07:37 PM
Since the first version 7 of knoppix I'm also having trouble creating bootable usb drives. The only way I've found to make it right is by formatting the usb drive as FAT32 using gparted. Then, when the installer asks if you want to partition and format the drive or just copy the required files, I select only copy files. If I select partition and format, it doesn't work. All the required files are copied to the drive, but for some reason it's not bootable. Try doing as I said, it works most of the times.

10-15-2014, 10:58 AM
Hi Harry Kuhman
Thanks you for these informations.They are somewhat technical for me today.I am somewhat a bit a newbie.I never tried to use Torrent assuming it needs some good initiation. But you seem to tell me it needs not. So I shall try as soon as possible.Nor have I tried to use checksums. You explain me their importance here.I understand much more now that the fact that Iso_md5 exist are not "painful" and are worth to be considered (almost "always" ?).
Thanks you

10-15-2014, 12:18 PM
hi guest
i did not see your post. I have already tried almost all "reasonably accessible" methods even using gparted.Flash-install never writes adequate "configuration files".Nor external install programs. So I have buyed a 500Go_USB_Hdd which works fine using "YUMI- install-program" which is a good multiboot program which presents you directly the very PARTITIONS and not the "DRIVES ONLY"... (perhaps due to a a security problem because knoppix is not really intended for HDD, being not a real debian distribution.). I recommend this method because USB_HDD are not heavy nor "enormous" and are relatively cheap when compared to numerous usb disks (especially sd_cards which works always).
Thanks you

Harry Kuhman
10-15-2014, 09:01 PM
I never tried to use Torrent assuming it needs some good initiation. But you seem to tell me it needs not.

Checking the md5 is absolutely a must if you are using the mirrors. To be honest I don't always do the test on torrent downloaded files, since the torrent client does that for you automatically. There are many programs under Windows that will do the check for first time users. I like md5summer, but it's interface takes a few seconds to figure out (seconds, not minutes or hours), as it isn't typical of Windows interfaces. I've used others as well but some don't show progress as they compute the md5 hash, and since the ISO is a pretty large file you can think the program is hung for a couple of minutes while it does the calculation.

I used to have to forward some ports on my router when doing torrent downloads. That usually isn't a big deal, but I understand that it is just another step when someone isn't used to making router changes. When I started doing torrent downloads to multiple computers on my network that complicated things, as the ports might be forwarded to the wrong computer. For a while I had a router that would spot the outbound traffic and make the port adjustments to whatever computer was in use, but that router died.

The port issue is to allow others to connect to your computer, since the spirit of torrents is that everyone shares and while you are downloading you can also upload parts for others. Torrent clients are designed to slow down feeds when they detect that someone isn't sharing, so opening inbound ports was important. It is still safe, as those ports are only used by the torrent client and it will only share the torrent files, the rest of your data is still very private.

Recently I changed routers again (new one from my ISP) and the new router again lacks the dynamic features a good third party router would have. But even before trying to forward ports in the router I noticed that my torrent speeds were very fast and that I was getting connections from other torrent users to download files that I was hosting. I'm using microtorrent (uTorrent). I haven't keep active in the torrent protocols myself in recent years, but I have to assume that there have been some enhancements made to the torrent system to allow these users to have access even without port forwarding. I don't know that for a fact, it is only based on what I see. That's a nice move, since the need to forward router ports certainly may have intimidated some novice users, even though it isn't complex and is a good skill to learn and be able to use.

I would suggest trying uTorrent. Torrents start slow and then build up speed, so don't be put off by slower than expected speeds in the first minute. After ten minutes or so if you are not seeing the download speeds that you expect, then you might want to research bittorrent port forwarding and make a simple router change, but I haven't needed it in recent years.

10-15-2014, 11:03 PM
Thanks you Harris Kuhman.
I see that it's not so easy to use for a very beginning user when on a hurry. I think that I shall have a bit of job which is worth to be done ....