View Full Version : Persistence with only one usb device

10-14-2014, 12:50 AM
I've put up knoppix on a usb drive and i wanna know how to set up persistence with only this device no cd or dvd or other drive just one usb drive (the same one i put knoppix and booted on) when i exit knoppix it loses all of its changes

Werner P. Schulz
10-14-2014, 07:24 AM
Flash disk install (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Category:Hard_drive_Installation#Flash_disk_instal l)

10-14-2014, 06:48 PM
That didn`t work because i can only install on another flash drive... not the same one that i booted on
But i found a solution and it was exacly the one i wanted

Start knoppix with cheatcode "adriane">>>on the adriane menu select setup>>>go down the menu where it says "Persistent image on flash disk" or something like that>>>set up the number of megabytes for a persistent image>>>wait for the process to be done>>>reboot computer and start knoppix normally

Werner P. Schulz
10-14-2014, 09:00 PM
And during the flash installation you really didn't get the offer to create persistent memory?

Since V7.4.2 people who did not accept this offer can use the cheatcode "knoppix mkimage" to make up this omission. Otherwise this cheatcode is usefull for people who deleted the old persistent memory and now have the ability to start with a new and clean pm.

10-14-2014, 09:43 PM
Not actually, i set up knoppix on a flash usb device. After that i booted up just pressing enter on the cheatcode screen. It just got me into the lxde desktop and it didn't ask me anything! There was only a option to install on a flash drive(which i had just one and showed up just that one drive) and the only one was the one i just booted up, so i couldn't install on that drive... And then there is no option to save a persistent image anywhere on the menus! I don't understand much about linux and this is also my first time using KNOPPIX. If you can contact the development team please ask them to add a option on the knoppix menu to create persistence that whould be very helpful. Thanks for the help!
(sorry for my bad english)

Werner P. Schulz
10-15-2014, 07:36 AM
If you use the Knoppix methods for flash disk install you'll get the offer at the beginning of the installation.
If you can contact the development team please ask them to add a option on the knoppix menu to create persistenceYou have read my last answer?