View Full Version : PCManFM Time & Date Formats

01-05-2015, 05:22 PM
In another recent thread, someone asked how to change the time & date formats in mc (midnight commander) from the "en_US" fomrat to ISO (aka International) and Werner gave the asnswer, actually quite elegant and simple.

I then asked Werner how to do this for PcManFM and his reply was:"As I can see it's hardcoded within PCManFM only to use the locale settings".

The ISO format is offered by "en_DK". All my locales are "en_US" and jsut changing LC_TIME seems to be challenging (for me).

First, I made sure that "en_DK.UTF-8 was marked by running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" but, when asked, I retained "en_US" for the shell variables of the system.

Then, I created a file ~/.bashrc and just wrote into it : "export LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8" (without quotes) and made it executable.


01-12-2015, 12:28 PM
PS - Cannot reproduce

The above works in my current USB installation of Knoppix 7.4.2.

I just made a fresh installtion on another USB key but I fail to reproduce the "solution" hastily proposed above.

Before applying that script I had tinkered with several locale settings, but none of those tricks worked and I thought I had rversed them all. Possibly one changed setting was retained and helped the '~/.bashrc' to succeed but I do not know which one.