View Full Version : HD zero-overwritten

colonel Backslash
04-08-2015, 03:40 AM
Recently, I bought a latter-day half-computer which only has an USB input which he used for Knoppix 7.4.2.
While trying to find the elusive "any" key on the keyboard, I [snip] managed to overwrite the entire HDD with zeros!
Now what!!??
$ sudo lshw -short
$ sudo fdisk -l
do find and correctly describe the HDD; but it (the HDD) remains zero-overwritten and resists all and any attempts to touch it.
QUESTION: can knoppix - run from the USB - somehow format the said HDD? Any formatting while FAT32 would e the best...

04-08-2015, 08:44 AM
Have you already tried gparted from the menu?
If you overwrote the whole HDD it could be necessary to create a new MBR or GPT.