View Full Version : flashplugin-nonfree (update) fails

04-27-2015, 01:47 PM
Knoppix > Install Components > flashplugin-nonfree (update) fails.
Is there any work-around for this problem?

04-27-2015, 02:12 PM
Knoppix > Install Components > flashplugin-nonfree (update) fails.
Is there any work-around for this problem?
See Screenshot.

Werner P. Schulz
04-27-2015, 05:57 PM
Perhaps my posting "Debian release changed (http://knoppix.net/forum/threads/31408-Debian-release-changed?p=132327&viewfull=1#post132327)" may help you.

04-27-2015, 07:02 PM
Perhaps my posting "Debian release changed (http://knoppix.net/forum/threads/31408-Debian-release-changed?p=132327&viewfull=1#post132327)" may help you.

Thanks, Werner, but I get a similar result.
It looks like it needs some Compiz information?
See Screenshot2.

04-28-2015, 03:46 AM
Downloading it directly from Adobe and doing a manual installation will work. It used to give me a headache when doing it via Debian's repository.

04-28-2015, 07:22 AM
I always do it manually too, itīs easy and fast.

Werner P. Schulz
04-28-2015, 08:54 AM
It used to give me a headache when doing it via Debian's repository.What's complicated to use
aptitude install flashplugin-nonfreeafter updating the cache of apt?

At time you'll get V1:3.6.1 and within Iceweasel you have Shockwave Flash

04-28-2015, 01:19 PM
@ Werner

Not complicated to get it done via apt-get at all; It's a one off operation if the persistent image is used. If there is no persistent overlay, installing it on the fly will be a must. If my memory still serves me OKish, there was a time that the .deb package couldn't source the real package from somewhere else intermittently (don't really know where the real package is from). That's where my headache was from... ;)

04-28-2015, 02:16 PM
Thank you all for your suggestions, but I'm still stumped.

I'm using Knoppix 7.4.2 as a LiveUSB.
IceWeasel, Using Flash 202.429, indicates it needs upgrading.

I have tried both the the Install Components approach and Werner's
Aptitude approach and both fail to upgrade my IceWeasel to Flash 202.457.

Failure seems to be related to missing public keys for Compiz in both cases.

Shockwave Flash 'Update Now' prompt that shows under IceWeasel Tools > Add-0ns
can't find anything to offer as a solution.

04-28-2015, 02:54 PM
Dear Utu,
Sorry for intruding. Again the same problem!? Why do we keep making the same mistatkes? Please see this post:
To all members who stumble to this thread (http://knoppix.net/forum/threads/29860-Flash-Player-Install?p=131128&viewfull=1#post131128)

04-28-2015, 07:52 PM
@ utu

... doing a manual installation ...

What I mean is to use the copy & paste approach as noted in the readme.txt of the .tar.gz downloaded from the Adobe website. It won't get checked by aptitude/apt-get/dpkg and registered in the database.

Just did a quick "manual installation" to upgrade the player to 202.457 and used the flash player tester on the official website to check if the player can play the clip. As usual (for me, at least), the tester complained about the outdated plugin. After I clicked on the grey area but the "Check for updates..." button and asked the iceweasel to allow the plugin, the clip still played.

If the interested video stream is able be played on KNOPPIX 7.2 but 7.4.2, the video is likely to be DRM protected. Then HAL package and the packages on which it depends are needed to pull from wheezy repository. There is another tester on their website to verify if the player is able to play the DRM protected video clip.
Title: Problems playing protected video content | Ubuntu Linux, Flash Player 11
URL: https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/flash-player-11-problems-playing.html

[ Do at Your Own Risk ]
In the case of the video stream being embedded in a https web page with mixed content, set the security.mixed_content.block_active_content in the about:config of iceweasel to false. The original info is from https://blog.mozilla.org/tanvi/2013/04/10/mixed-content-blocking-enabled-in-firefox-23/

If it's still no luck, then I cannot be of any help...

04-28-2015, 08:50 PM
I donīt remember well now but you only need to download the tar.gz, extract it, and place the libflashplayer.so inside /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins or if you also use firefox inside /usr/lib/firefox/plugins In other live cds it is in /usr/lib/flashplugin/... I donīt remember now if there was an /usr/lib/iceweasel, I am not using knoppix now and I donīt use iceweasel, I normally download firefox and execute it manually, so I was copying libflashplayer.so inside /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and restart.