View Full Version : Knoppix on Toshiba Skullcandy freezes after a few seconds

06-12-2015, 10:17 AM
I'm trying to run Knoppix on a Toshiba Skullcandy laptop (2015 model). It has an AMD A8 processor and Radeon graphics. 'knoppix64 no3d' causes it to boot OK and get to the graphics screen, but after a few seconds everything freezes and only a forced power-off works. Does anyone have Knoppix working on this kind of system ? Am I missing a cheatcode, and if so which one ?
Things run OK if I boot with 'knopppix64 2', but obviously I don't get a GUI that way and that's no use to me.
'knoppix64 no3d failsafe' also hangs after a few seconds.

Thanks for all help anyone can give !

Chris Ward

06-12-2015, 12:51 PM
Hi, and welcome to Knoppix!

Run upto init 2 and install a specific proprietory AMD Radeon linux driver for your graphics processor.

After installation, restart, and you will hopefully have the GUI.

And from the next time, please post detailed spec data for us to help.

06-12-2015, 01:48 PM
Hi, and welcome to Knoppix!

Run upto init 2 and install a specific proprietory AMD Radeon linux driver for your graphics processor.

After installation, restart, and you will hopefully have the GUI.

And from the next time, please post detailed spec data for us to help.
Last time I booted, I waited about 15 minutes and everything 'unfroze'.
What detailed spec do you want, how do I find it, and how do I set up the appropriate AMD Radeon linux driver ?

06-12-2015, 02:26 PM
Not so many questions at one time :)

Let's take things step by step.

Are you familiar with Linux? ... Knoppix?

Take out those papers you received from your vendor when you bought that laptop.

There will be detailed info about your Graphics Card's make, every single detail.

Go to AMD website and search for the appropriate linux driver file.

Download it. Save it where it is going to last really long.

Then use 'knoppix64 2", the one your wrote as cheatcode.

Once reached there, type and go to where you saved the driver, at the terminal.

Run the file.

Follow the instructions displayed by the driver while installing.

After it's over, you could try startx.

See what happens.

If the graphics is okay and the system works, restart and make a persistent image.

You have to install the driver over again if you didn't have a persistent.

Follow all instructions on Knoppix website meticulously.

Good luck!

Werner P. Schulz
06-12-2015, 09:24 PM
Last time I booted, I waited about 15 minutes and everything 'unfroze'.
What detailed spec do you want, how do I find it, and how do I set up the appropriate AMD Radeon linux driver ?Why do you capture someone else's thread?

06-12-2015, 10:47 PM
Sorry, I seem to have 2 user-ids on knoppix.net. I am tjcw01 and chris-ukl.

Werner P. Schulz
06-13-2015, 06:37 AM
Therefore I suggest, to purge your newer registration to avoid further confusions or shall I purge your registration from 2005?

06-13-2015, 10:59 AM
I'm trying to run Knoppix on a Toshiba Skullcandy laptop (2015 model). It has an AMD A8 processor and Radeon graphics. 'knoppix64 no3d' causes it to boot OK and get to the graphics screen, but after a few seconds everything freezes and only a forced power-off works. Does anyone have Knoppix working on this kind of system ? Am I missing a cheatcode, and if so which one ? Things run OK if I boot with 'knopppix64 2', but obviously I don't get a GUI that way and that's no use to me. 'knoppix64 no3d failsafe' also hangs after a few seconds. Thanks for all help anyone can give ! Chris Ward Which Knoppix version CD or DVD are you using? Knoppix 7.4.2 or 7.5 or 7.4.1? Get the most recent version that you can obtain and let us know what happens.

06-13-2015, 01:07 PM
Please purge the 'tjcw01' registration

06-13-2015, 05:35 PM
hi Chris!
Knoppix 7.4.2 and 7.5.0 work great on a new laptop, 2015, like you have.
Have you checked the case for dust? I've had problems with laptops gettting too hot and start acting contrary.

06-13-2015, 05:44 PM
I'm trying to run Knoppix 7.4.2 from USB key; my laptop won't boot anything from DVD (efi problems) . It runs OpenSuSE and Fedora (and Windows) just fine; only Knoppix won't run graphics. I just tried installing the AMD proprietary Radeon driver on my USB key, but that resulted in a USB key which booted but made no progress after loading the ramdisk. Knoppix 7.5 isn't public yet (unless you are in Germany and can get the magazine). Looks like I need to go borrow another PC to remake my USB key after the breakage ...

Werner P. Schulz
06-13-2015, 06:47 PM
Knoppix 7.4.2 and 7.5.0 work great on a new laptop, 2015, like you have. Have you checked the case for dust?New laptop and covered in dust? Is your question serious?

06-14-2015, 08:12 AM
If I boot with 'knoppix64 xmodule=fbdev no3d', the machine boots successfully and runs X well enough for my purposes (no 3D acceleration, but that's OK). So all is well at the moment.

06-14-2015, 10:11 AM
New laptop and covered in dust? Is your question serious? I've seen people leaving their machines on 24 hours a day for 6 months; cat hairs and everything else clogging the vents input and output. Since Chris has success with SuSE and Fedora and Windows and has presently solved his persistent troubles with his laptop earlier in time, I'll sit down and wait for the opportunity where I may be of some help convincing users to wean themselves off of windows permanently! I loved it when Klaus told a live audience that asked him if he ever used windows on his computers and he said, with earnest intent, "I don't have time for windows." Never forget that!