View Full Version : su takes a long time to come back

07-03-2015, 04:55 AM
just recently, i notice that when i type su in the command prompt, it takes a long time to come back, at lease 10 seconds.

the only thing i can think of that might affect this was that i change my desktop to gnome, but i changed back to lxde.

anyone have any idea why would su take such a long time?
if i do a sudo command, it execute immediately.


Werner P. Schulz
07-03-2015, 06:52 AM
Are you using Knoppix 7.5? If so, It's not the only well known bug of this version and there are not yet solutions for these.

07-04-2015, 04:17 AM
i am on 7.4. It did not do that when i first did the hd install. only recently. what should i look for to see what is causing this delay? thanks.

07-04-2015, 04:31 AM
i forgot to mention, it also too a long time when i try to shutdown the pc from the knoppix menu with logout, it also took a long time to ask me what i want to do, shutdown, logout, etc.

Werner P. Schulz
07-04-2015, 05:49 AM
That's also a bug of V7.5. Did you some update or upgrade in your HD installation?