View Full Version : How To Use Knoppix With Kde

11-11-2015, 09:23 PM
Hello everyone,

i am new to Linux but i want to use Knoppix. I download Knoppix V7.4.2 DVD and i don't like XFCE desktop. For that i want to use KDE desktop. How can i do that? Thank you.

Werner P. Schulz
11-12-2015, 08:21 AM
You can either select "kde" from the menu "Knoppix → Knoppix-Desktop..." or you use the Cheatcode of → ### Desktop ### (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes).

11-12-2015, 10:40 AM
You can either select "kde" from the menu "Knoppix → Knoppix-Desktop..." or you use the Cheatcode of → ### Desktop ### (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes).

How can i do that?

Werner P. Schulz
11-12-2015, 11:08 AM
Did you read the link?

11-22-2015, 09:42 PM
How can i do that?

Hey there NovFri:
My first computer experience was on an 8088 (and almost a daily user, since then)... And I still have trouble remembering to look for the color change / cursor change that tells me there is a clickable LINK for me to go read at another URL location ! ( it's always something! :) )