View Full Version : saving modprobe settings for cd reboot

06-25-2003, 04:05 AM
I'm booting from cd (3.2) and have to su>modprobe>etc for my network card. Although I have been saving settings via the gui to my hd1, most of which stick when I boot with myconfig=scan, I have to re-enter the modprobe and netcardconfig each time I run Knoppix.

I know I can enter the commands into a file that will remain on the hd, and execute when I boot the cd but where, how?

06-25-2003, 09:25 PM
open a console
create any file with
sudo kedit myfile
then put this into


modprobe etc etc
etc etc

then right click over myfile, properties, permissions and enable execute.
Now you have an script file.
To execute
sudo myfile