View Full Version : Mulimedia Knoppix

06-25-2003, 04:26 AM
I'm new to knoppix but I already know what I'd love to see. Knoppix home entertainment system. Keep the internet capabilities, one browser my choice would be for Mozilla. A DVD player, MP3 player, picture viewer with slideshow capabilities, support for all popular picture and video formats. Support for popular "all in one" video cards , network capabilities so that I can get the media files off my home PC. Easy all I want is to be able to take an old PC with a good TV out card and sound card throw in the Knoppix distro and throw out all the stuff that's cluttering my home entertainment stand. As an aside wish list, software to rip DVD's so that I can store them on the hard drive wold be nice. I'd also like to see a driver that could automatically load my settings from a CF or memory stick at boot. removing the star office package the games and utilities would likely save a lot of space on the CD and allow for less compression which would make my Mulimedia Knoppix a little faster. One can only dream........

06-25-2003, 11:34 PM
Sounds good, but interestingly, there was some talk about whether reducing the compression would make it quicker, since apparently the data transfer is the slowest part, not the decompression - compressing the data effectively means more data per time period can be read from the cd, since relatively fast cpus can decompress faster than cd drives can read...
There must be a stage at which the drive is fast enough or the cpu slow enough to reverse this, but I don't know where it is, certainly it is not true for hard disks.

06-26-2003, 02:32 AM
Try this. It is based on Knoppix. However, it is highly media. I installed it. It is prety good.

06-26-2003, 03:14 AM
Try this. It is based on Knoppix. However, it is highly media. I installed it. It is prety good.

Ok but you didn't tell me what to try. I did a google search on Knoppix -" Kick It Up A Notch!" seems everyone wants to kick it up a notch :) so that didn't help much, Please reply with the link to the software.

The package you suggest does it run off the CD?? and does it play DVD??

06-26-2003, 07:57 PM
Full Multimedia Debian Distribution
Includes all ( nearly 200 ) audio, graphics and video software included
in the Debian Official Tree under those categories.
All packages are up yo unstable/experimental versions and updated often.
Included Noia icons and many command line tools.
*home page and download: ftp://ftp.logx.it/mirrors/medialinux/
Included: 3D gcombust, xcdroast, k3b, gtoaster, cdrtoaster, eroaster, arson, cdbakeoven, RipperX, Grip, Muse, Rosegarden e Rosegarden4, Timidity e Brahms, Audacity, Rezound, Gnoise, Glame, Ecawave, Xmms, Freebirth, Spyralsinthmodular, TerminatorX e Iuwsynth, Blender, Moonlight3D, Vertex, Panorama, Wings3D, KPovmodeler, Povray, Aqsis, Xine, Mplayer, Aviplayer, Noautun, Ogle, Xmovie, Totem, FreeJ, Kino, Cinerlerra, Xawtv, Xanim, Mpegtv, Vlc, Vls, Dia, BabyGimp, Impress, MagicPoint, Kpresenter, Qcad, Sodipodi, Xpaint, Xfig, Sketch, Kontour, Scribus, PixiePlus, ElectricEyes, Aview,Impress, Endeavour2,Kuickshow,Gthumb, Grace, Celestia, Stellarium, Atari, BasiliskII, Apple2, Bochs...

06-28-2003, 03:11 AM
Ok thanks.

turns out I've been trying to download that package for a few days now it start out fine but slows down or quits before it's all here. Trying again 24% so far wish me luck

06-28-2003, 05:55 AM
Ok I got it, but can't figure out what application plays DVD's X-wing still tells me I don't have rights.... I need a knoppix distro that does DVD along with MP#'s and picture viewr???

06-28-2003, 06:20 AM
Ok I got it, but can't figure out what application plays DVD's X-wing still tells me I don't have rights.... I need a knoppix distro that does DVD along with MP#'s and picture viewr???
Try xine or mplayer.

06-28-2003, 09:51 PM
Try xine or mplayer.

I agree. I used to like Ogle the best for DVD's but then I looked at how much cpu it was using compared to xine and it was way more. Mplayer wasn't that great either. On my laptop keeping the heat/cpu down is a major issue. I used to have trouble with dvd menu suppor with xine but now it appears to be working fine.

07-03-2003, 06:46 AM
Ok I"ve downloaded al the Knoppix distros that even mention multimedia and so far I have been unable to play a DVD from the CD boot, I know I can install the distro and then add all the files required to play DVD but what I need is a fully functional DVD player that runs while booting from CD

07-03-2003, 07:13 PM
Try either:




07-10-2003, 04:29 PM
I tried both, LinuxConsole is about as close to what I'm looking for as there is out there, and once you start getting used to the program it works pretty well. Thanks for the pointer.

Now I have to get to that forum and see if he can add Java to the browser, Never Happy I am, I am :)

Thanks again

09-14-2003, 07:31 PM
Is MediaLinux a live-cd linux like knoppix?

10-30-2003, 11:25 AM
Who wants to live without videos? :)

A simple one-bit-user would like to put into the CD and watch it without any other command or click. OK, what about bootable Knoppix as a video player for all popular file formats (mpeg, xvid, ...), which is very small (you need to put video to the remain place :) ) and very clever (searches and plays automatically the video file on the CD)?

No need to say I am crazy. I know it. :lol: