View Full Version : Run cups-config with the latest Firefox rather than native Iceweasel

03-09-2016, 06:52 AM
Good morning, Mr. Schultz! Hello, friends!
I apologise for my long absence from the forum.
I want to run cupsconfig (for the newer members, start->knoppix->Printer Configuration ) with the latest standalone firefox rather than the older version of iceweasel. I read the script of cupsconfig
The link for "printer configuration" icon points to user/bin/cupsconfig.
I read the file cupsconfig. Links to either x-www-browser or www-browser. The two linked files are links themselves. They lead further to /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser or www-browser.
I have changed the start->preferences-> preferred applications with the browser as Firefox as a user. Didn't help.
While the x-www-browser opens a terminal-based application, the other one tries to open the sytem's default browser Iceweasel. Since firefox is already running iceweasel can't run.
Now, I could change the exec script in cupsconfig.
I would rather want to implement the code for system-wide configuration. I could do sudo libfm-pref-apps. Actually, I have done it with success.
But what is the best way to do it?

Werner P. Schulz
03-09-2016, 02:25 PM
You may use "update-alternatives" for system wide setting
update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

03-09-2016, 03:00 PM
Thank you, Mr. Schulz. I will try and inform you.
I apologise for the typo while addressing a highly admired senior. :(
Yes, I did. I read the output:

There are 3 choices for the alternative x-www-browser (providing /usr/bin/x-www-browser).

Selection Path Priority Status
0 /usr/bin/konqueror 100 auto mode
1 /usr/bin/chromium 40 manual mode
* 2 /usr/bin/iceweasel 70 manual mode
3 /usr/bin/konqueror 100 manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice
, or type selection number:

So I see there are four choices, but not Firefox Standalone.

My next query will automatically be:
Can I edit a link file?

I tried vi /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser

Appears to be a binary file. So do I delete the file and create a new x-www-browser link for Firefox?

P.S.: nice tip! I will remember. Thanks!

Werner P. Schulz
03-09-2016, 05:32 PM
"/etc/alternatives/x-www-browser" is only a simple symlink managed by the tool 'update-alternatives'; you can delete it and create a new one manually
ln -s /xyz/firefox /etc/alternatives/x-www-browserUse your own value instead of '/xyz/'. But next update may possibly overwrite this.

03-10-2016, 03:54 AM
ln -s /xyz/firefox /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser...

Thanks and regards,