View Full Version : What motherboards/chipsets would work with knoppix?

06-25-2003, 05:59 AM
I am about to assemble a pc and plan to use it knoppix/linux exclusive.
I tried Google search for suitable motherboards but most if not all list pentium III based which I believe are no longer available.Search also states that linux would work on all pentium 4 cpu but what motherboard?

I do not want to get an exotic motherboard only to discover that it is not linux compatible. This is a big drawback for linux- almost all motherboards are tested using windows(drystone,quake,sandra,etc). I have yet to see a motherboard that says "linux compatible" or similar marking.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

06-25-2003, 02:00 PM
I am faced with the same question.
Try here: http://www.linux.org/hardware/components.html
This gives a basic list of hardware, it may help.

06-25-2003, 04:06 PM
Yes I have been to that site and more.

Guess I am stuck! The only thing I can think of is buy a second hand pc-preferably a pentium III.

So much for linux going mainstream!

06-25-2003, 06:53 PM
Yes I have been to that site and more.

Guess I am stuck! The only thing I can think of is buy a second hand pc-preferably a pentium III.

So much for linux going mainstream!

Almost any standard motherboard will work with linux just stick with a good brand and you should have no problems.

06-25-2003, 06:57 PM
I think Linux is ready for the mainstream, especially Knoppix and Morphix, my advice is to go to the pre-installed manufacturers sites and look at their specs. There are plenty of P4 systems that run Linux no problem. Linux does give a new life to older systems, I have turned "useless" used systems into perfectly usable linux systems, I even use one for pre-press and cd creation, so don't buy into the 18 month and everything is obsolete crap, that is pushed to sell people newer and newer machines. I get better performance out of older systems running Linux than with running them with their original OS. Try installing OS X or windows XP on an older system, all I can say is good luck.

06-27-2003, 02:25 AM
I just ran morphix on a p4 without any problems. it was on an Intel 845 board. Just FYI