View Full Version : KNOPPIX past versions, on CD and/or DVD

03-21-2016, 09:11 AM
Sorry I know this crops up from time to time but the mirrors alter over time.
1. Please can somebody point me to 7.2.0 on DVD? And preferably a straightforward iso download, not torrent.
2. I can't find a CD version later than 7.2.0. Has this "little brother" stopped production, and if so can anybody tell me at which number, please?
Thank you!

Werner P. Schulz
03-21-2016, 12:48 PM
KNOPPIX_V7.2.0CD-2013-06-16-DE.iso and KNOPPIX_V7.2.0CD-2013-06-16-EN.iso has been the latest CD versions and I fear, Prof Knopper will never do again a new CD version.

OT: why not using torrents? Its the best way to prevent corrupt or broken downloads. With torrents you can stop at any time and go on at another time.

03-22-2016, 06:26 PM
Old versions of KNOPPIX (in DVD flavour) can be downloaded from http://mirror.denit.net/knoppix/knoppix-dvd/
The website was found by searching some sort of weird keywords (knoppix "dpkg-l-dvd-720.txt") on Google. Credit goes to their search engine ;-)

03-23-2016, 12:48 AM
@ superman & fergus

This is to caution you and others that going outside channels established by
Klaus Knopper for older representations of Knoppix may be hazardous to your
security. The site mentioned is most likely well-meaning, but not very careful, even at
first glance, in offering an iso without a checksum.

This also goes against a preference for later versions rather than earlier
in terms of correcting only-lately-found flaws such as the current libc6 flaw.

At a minimum, I suggest you e-mail Klaus K and see what he has to say about
using the quoted site and past legitimate versions as well.

Werner P. Schulz
03-23-2016, 07:10 AM
I've tested KN...iso.md5 and KN...iso.md5.asc for KNOPPIX_V7.2.0DVD-2013-06-16-EN.iso (http://mirror.denit.net/knoppix/knoppix-dvd/KNOPPIX_V7.2.0DVD-2013-06-16-EN.iso) on this site; they are ok. But after download you have to verify the md5sum of the ISO against the md5sum within the file KNOPPIX_V7.2.0DVD-2013-06-16-EN.iso.md5 (http://mirror.denit.net/knoppix/knoppix-dvd/KNOPPIX_V7.2.0DVD-2013-06-16-EN.iso.md5)

Have a look at (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes)Cheatcodes → (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes) Exclude forgery (http://knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes)

03-23-2016, 06:11 PM
@Werner P. Schulz
Many thanks for double-checking the .md5 and .md5.asc files of KNOPPIX V7.2.0 DVD hosted on the website of mirror.denit.net.

Thanks for the pointers. However, verifying the authenticity and integrity of whatever one has downloaded is kind of common sense. Here is an apparently less worrying server hosting old versions of KNOPPIX; ftp://ftp.sun.ac.za/pub/iso-images/knoppix-dvd/