View Full Version : P2P on Knoppix????

06-25-2003, 06:05 PM
Limware, Gtk Gnutella, or some other simular programs .... will any of them work with Knoppix? if so, then how do I install them?

thankx. :wink:

06-25-2003, 06:58 PM
apt-get install pyslsk the program is Py Soul Seek it works rather well and straight out of the "box" so to speak.

06-25-2003, 07:50 PM
You might also try:

apt-get install xmule

06-25-2003, 08:57 PM
I forgot. You can also do:

apt-get install gtk-gnutella

06-26-2003, 01:01 AM
I tried to use thoose commands in the terminal but it says some things about not being able to write to some directory, and something about not being able to parse something. I would like to use Knoppix with a program like Gnutella to save the files onto my external usb 2.0 harddrive with a phat 32 partition.

could anyone help me? I would really like to get Gnutella installed using Knoppix.

06-26-2003, 02:23 AM
I think both Stephen and I were under the impression that you had Knoppix installed on your hd, but it sounds like you are using the cd. You will need to either install Knoppix to your hd or remaster your own cd before you can use these programs.

06-26-2003, 09:28 AM
Thanks to all of you who helped me out :)

06-26-2003, 10:38 AM
lMule is a client (http://lmule.sourceforge.net) I would suggest once you get Knoppix on your harddrive for Win programs of size. It's not much for videos of anything but porn and not many share audio except for some relatively rare album and artist mega-collections. Newsfroups still rule the roost for vids and lossless audio. And Linux binaries are rare because FTP and HTTP are easier means for open source freeware except perhaps for the recent debacle of knoppix-std-0.1b.iso (ed2k://|file|knoppix-std-0.1b.iso|625717248|BB7B96BF0840870EFB36F73DFEDF0E1 A|/). That's an extreme exception, of course.

Overnet and eDonkey2000 (http://www.edonkey2000.com) use the same protocol, indeed eDonkey is the original and all the servers on the Donkey Network are linux without exception, but Overnet gets on without servers. Currently, however, the GUI for Linux clients is broken for the new clients, Overnet and eDonkey alike. They both have recently adopted an emule-style rating system that punishes pure leachers.

Bittorrent is another (http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/) where you may actually find in-demand large files and have better luck with *nix stuff. The problem with it is that it's more of a 0-day thing. Links don't last long. This is a site where you can find some links (http://www.bittorrentsites.co.nr).

There's a thing called called Freenet (http://freenet.sourceforge.net/) which is coming into its own now that I've only dabbled with, but holds some real promise though it doesn't do the error correction that others do.

Try out http://www.zeropaid.com/ It's not much for renewing your faith in the fight against pop-ups, but it has many useful links and the forums are very valuable in the knowledge contained therein. Google (http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Software/Internet/Clients/File_Sharing/), however, is much more valuable as a resource, as I am sure you were aware.

I saw this question asked in another forum to which I wasn't subscribed and wanted to answer, but I thought that answering here might answer your questions and others more shy.

06-26-2003, 12:39 PM
thanks :D