View Full Version : problems with gaim

06-27-2003, 04:58 PM
hi, i've some problems with gaim..

knoppix@ttyp0[knoppix]$ gaim -d
Age: 23
BDayPre: 2
Birthday: 29346
Wallet: 0
Flags: 1027
sid: 507
kv: 4
MSPAuth: 487HQUtEwD2CUEDQCNLym9JDE*5ye*dpFdyvB9pOmZUvQflglO sLhAqaNCyHJFsiQbT80fVSDIBWMXs22cgqb*!Q$$

msn: Destroying message
msn: S: SYN 7 1
msn: S: GTC 7 1 A
msn: S: BLP 7 1 BL
msn: S: PRP 7 1 PHH
msn: S: PRP 7 1 PHW
msn: S: PRP 7 1 PHM
msn: S: PRP 7 1 MOB N
msn: S: PRP 7 1 MBE N
msn: S: LSG 7 1 1 1 0 ~ 0
msn: Adding group Contatti (0)
msn: S: LST 7 FL 1 0 0
msn: S: LST 7 AL 1 0 0
msn: S: LST 7 BL 1 0 0
msn: S: LST 7 RL 1 0 0
core: Removed core
Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.
This is a bug in the software and has happened through
no fault of your own.

It is possible that this bug is already fixed in CVS.
You can get a tarball of CVS from the Gaim website, at

If you are already using CVS, or can reproduce the crash
using the CVS version, please notify the gaim maintainers
by reporting a bug at

Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time,
and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know
how to get the backtrace, please get instructions at
http://gaim.sourceforge.net/gdb.php. If you need further
assistance, please IM either RobFlynn or SeanEgn and
they can help you.
dns[3705]: Ops, father has gone, wait for me, wait...!


the same with a old gaim debian binary installed on the hd..
but obviously if i boot with debian i dont have problems..