View Full Version : Easy way to remaster?

06-28-2003, 03:53 PM
Hi, I've downloaded Knoppix 3.2 (2003-06-06) and think it's great. But
I want to change a couple of things in the ISO before burning it on
CD. Say, make "knoppix lang=en" the default, or add "export LESS=-F"
to /etc/profile. How would I go about it?

P.S.: I'm learning Linux, but am not very experienced.

Many thanks.

06-29-2003, 07:51 AM
If you are a complete beginner to linux then remastering is NOT yet for you to go through. Go ahead and burn the ISO and run knoppix for a few weeks,familiarize yourself to how it works,ask questions in this forum about it. when you are familiar enough to go about the insides of knoppix(and Linux for that matter) then you might as well try remastering.

06-29-2003, 09:49 AM
Actually you can do it very easily from windows with WinISO or Isobuster or something like it. You can only change stuff from the "outer layer" of the CD. You can't change the compressed knoppic filesystem but you can add things to the outside layer which can be read from knoppix by clicking the cdrom icon(documents, music, etc...). This includes the webpage which loads on boot. Of course it depends how big the knoppix iso is that you start with. Since you can't delete what is already built into the compressed fs you should start with a smaller version knoppix so you have a little room to play around with. I tried the STD security tools distro which gave me around 75 megs to play around with. The regular base knoppix offers virtually no room to add things.

Now I need to ask a question, I tried storing my knoppix.sh config file on the outer shell of the CD and doing a myconf=scan and it didn't seem to find it. Does anyone know if this can be made to work. How about putting a small encrypted (50 meg?) persistant home directory on the CD outer layer.?

06-29-2003, 11:24 AM
Now I need to ask a question, I tried storing my knoppix.sh config file on the outer shell of the CD and doing a myconf=scan and it didn't seem to find it. Does anyone know if this can be made to work. How about putting a small encrypted (50 meg?) persistant home directory on the CD outer layer.?

The idea behind 'myconfig' and 'home' is that it can be changed or written into-that is change the config and write files into home(the persistent home becomes the actual home directory of the user).

To put this on the CD defeats its purpose since the cd is 'read-only'.

06-30-2003, 08:13 AM
It doesn't ruin the point at all. What I want to do and presumably what he wants to do is easily customise the knoppix cd without all the complexity.

First you run knoppix, and create a custom knoppix.sh config file with all your favorite desktop preferences and whatnot. And a custom home directory(unchangable I know) with some documents or books you'll know you want. Then you go and add then into the iso outer layer and reburn. Easy remaster. Also this would let you keep encrypted data on the CD.

Very useful indeed to me.

06-30-2003, 10:19 PM
Now I need to ask a question, I tried storing my knoppix.sh config file on the outer shell of the CD and doing a myconf=scan and it didn't seem to find it. Does anyone know if this can be made to work. How about putting a small encrypted (50 meg?) persistant home directory on the CD outer layer.?

Put yor knoppix.sh into cd KNOPPIX folder.
It will be found by default, without need of any cheatcode.

06-30-2003, 10:35 PM
Hi, I've downloaded Knoppix 3.2 (2003-06-06) and think it's great. But
I want to change a couple of things in the ISO before burning it on
CD. Say, make "knoppix lang=en" the default, or add "export LESS=-F"
to /etc/profile. How would I go about it?

P.S.: I'm learning Linux, but am not very experienced.

Many thanks.

for things like knoppix lang=en there is


The windows version of this tool is easier than linux version.

07-02-2003, 06:18 AM
How about the persistant home file, does it also get autodetected?