View Full Version : Start→Internet→Iceweasel

03-31-2018, 10:34 AM
Knoppix uses the following to have the Start menu and sub-menus populated:


I have Iceweasel entry there as:

?package(iceweasel):needs="x11" section="Applications/Network/Web Browsing" \
title="Iceweasel" \
longtitle="Iceweasel Web Browser" \
icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/iceweasel.xpm" \
But the
Start Menu→Internet →Iceweasel has 'i' in capital. It is therefore not drawing from the entry in
While if right clicked on Iceweasel and then the
Properties option clicked, the entries are:
Name: Iceweasel
Command: nice -n 19 -- ionice -n 7 -t -- iceweasel %u
Tooltip: Browse the World Wide Web
I have been using Firefox standalone for a long time now, but have this issue of using Firefox as a sub-menu entry.
From where is this Menu-Entry drawing its sub-entries, could I be guided?
There is a README file in the /etc/menu and another in /etc/menu-methods which seek to provide some guidance, but fail.
The first says:

In this directory, the system administrator can install menufiles to
override the menu files provided by Debian in /usr/lib/menu, /usr/share/menu
and /usr/share/menu/default.

The filename should be the name of the package that it is overriding,
and may contain as many lines and menu entries as necessary.

Please run 'update-menus' after changing or adding files.

For more info, please read /usr/share/doc/menu/html.
Thank you in advance.

03-31-2018, 11:05 AM
There is no file or directory as
/usr/lib/menu or
/usr/share/menu/default Naturally. Knoppix is not exactly Debian.
There are tutorial html files in

03-31-2018, 11:28 AM
Yes, remembered