View Full Version : How do you Install OpenCL™ Runtime for Intel® Core™ and Intel® Xeon® Processors

05-23-2018, 10:37 PM
Hello guys :)

(Knoppix 8.1 with 20 Gig persistence -- Running in 64 bit)

I installed "Hashcat" normally, & saw nothing out of the ordinary while installing, until I tried to run HashCat, & got a message in response saying:

root@Microknoppix:/home/knoppix# hashcat -a 3 -D 1 -m 2500 /hashcat-4.1.0/HASH.hccapx ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a
hashcat (v4.1.0) starting...

Cannot find an OpenCL ICD loader library.

You are probably missing the native OpenCL runtime or driver for your platform.

* AMD GPUs on Linux require this runtime and/or driver:
"RadeonOpenCompute (ROCm)" Software Platform (1.6.180 or later)
* Intel CPUs require this runtime and/or driver:
"OpenCL Runtime for Intel Core and Intel Xeon Processors" (16.1.1 or later)
* Intel GPUs on Linux require this runtime and/or driver:
"OpenCL 2.0 GPU Driver Package for Linux" (2.0 or later)
* NVIDIA GPUs require this runtime and/or driver:
"NVIDIA Driver" (367.x or later)

Started: Wed May 23 15:36:54 2018
Stopped: Wed May 23 15:36:54 2018

I have an old AMD Radeon HD 6450 graphics card installed, & also an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU.
I'm not sure how to go about installing the Drivers to activate OpenCL functionality.

I went to AMD's, & Intel's website, & read up a little on the issue, & they are saying that I need to install OpenCL Runtime for Intel Core and Intel Xeon Processors for the CPU... also RadeonOpenCompute (ROCm) for the AMD GPU.

Right now, I only want the CPU to work (Just to have something working), but if possible, both CPU, & GPU would be awesome if they both began working. :D

Here's the link to the Intel Core 2 Duo CPU drivers:

OpenCL™ Drivers and Runtimes for Intel® Architecture (https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/opencl-drivers)

Hashcat says it has to be version 6.1.1 or Later.

I scrolled down Intel's Driver page, but have no idea which one of the downloads is the right one to get for Knoppix. They have:

Red Hat

I downloaded Ubuntu's version, & extracted it, but saw a bunch of .rpm files, & I have no idea how to install those, so now I'm here wondering if you guys have an easy fix. :D

Thanks in advance guys... i'm patiently staring at the screen, waiting for your awesome replies. :mrgreen:

05-28-2018, 04:06 PM

There are Debian packages hashcat (https://packages.debian.org/en/sid/hashcat) and pocl-opencl-icd (https://packages.debian.org/en/sid/pocl-opencl-icd). They could be installed with
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -t sid install hashcat pocl-opencl-icd
Maybe this helps solving the issue.

If the program does not run on Knoppix 8.1 you could try Knoppix 8.2.

06-02-2018, 05:07 AM
Thanks for the info klaus2008 :D

The install codes you suggested installed without any issues, & started, but they are still complaining about the drivers not being the right ones. From the root Terminal, this is what i get:

root@Microknoppix:/home/knoppix# hashcat -a 0 -d 2 -m 2500 /home/knoppix/Downloads/HASHES/HASH.hccapx /home/knoppix/password.lsthashcat (v4.1.0) starting...

Mesa (Gallium) OpenCL platform detected!

The Mesa platform can cause errors that are often mistaken for bugs in hashcat.
You are STRONGLY encouraged to use the drivers listed in docs/readme.txt.
You can use --force to override this, but do not report related errors.
You can also use --opencl-platforms to skip the Mesa platform(s).

Started: Fri Jun 1 22:22:39 2018
Stopped: Fri Jun 1 22:22:39 2018

When I use --force, this is what I get:

root@Microknoppix:/home/knoppix# hashcat --force -a 0 -d 2 -m 2500 /home/knoppix/Downloads/HASHES/HASH.hccapx /home/knoppix/password.lst
hashcat (v4.1.0) starting...

No devices found/left.

Started: Fri Jun 1 22:21:08 2018
Stopped: Fri Jun 1 22:21:10 2018

...and when I use --opencl-platforms, this is what I get:

root@Microknoppix:/home/knoppix# hashcat --opencl-platforms -a 0 -d 2 -m 2500 /home/knoppix/Downloads/HASHES/HASH.hccapx /home/knoppix/password.lst
hashcat (v4.1.0) starting...

Invalid OpenCL platform 0 specified.

Started: Fri Jun 1 22:32:08 2018
Stopped: Fri Jun 1 22:32:08 2018

Just for the hell of it, I also tried them both together... --opencl-platforms AND --force:

root@Microknoppix:/home/knoppix# hashcat --force --opencl-platforms -a 0 -d 2 -m 2500 /home/knoppix/Downloads/HASHES/HASH.hccapx /home/knoppix/password.lst
hashcat (v4.1.0) starting...

Invalid OpenCL platform 0 specified.

Started: Fri Jun 1 22:38:49 2018
Stopped: Fri Jun 1 22:38:49 2018

So... I think that because the video card is so old (AMD Radeon HD 6450), & also the CPU (Intel Core 2 Duo), that they need the exact driver that they suggest, because newer technology was implemented into Video Cards, & CPUs a few years after they were made, & does not work with older stuff.

I downloaded Knoppix 8.2, & will try it on that as well. I was going to try to get Knoppix 8.1 to match my Kali USB environment, but decided not to, because Kali is not smooth, & stable like Knoppix is, & it hangs all the time... not for long, but it hangs alot. Also, Knoppix is perfectly hacked together from multiple Distro styles, & upgrading any part of it, would most likely break other parts. Knoppix is still "King of The Hill" in my eyes. :-D

I will let you know the results of testing on Knoppix 8.2. :mrgreen:

Thanks again.

06-02-2018, 09:01 AM

Mesa (Gallium) OpenCL platform detected!
How about

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -t sid install hashcat mesa-opencl-icd

06-03-2018, 12:30 PM
Hi klaus2008! :-D

The new install codes you suggested also installed without any issues, & starts, but now there's a new error.
From the root Terminal, this is now what i get:

root@Microknoppix:/home/knoppix# hashcat -a 0 -d 2 -m 2500 /home/knoppix/Downloads/HASHES/HASH.hccapx /home/knoppix/password.lst
hashcat (v4.1.0) starting...

: CommandLine Error: Option 'limited-coverage-experimental' registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options

I'm not sure if it's because I installed, & uninstalled Hashcat a few times, or if it's due to installing pocl, & messa together without uninstalling pocl, or whatever. I have no idea what to do. :mrgreen:

I'm still on Knoppix 8.1 64bit... haven't set up 8.2 on the USB yet.