View Full Version : Initial Elation turns to Utter Frustration!!

07-03-2003, 12:02 PM
:?: The moment I ran the Knoppix CD I was impressed... it was EXACTLY how easy I imagined Linux COULD be.

Great!!! so install it to the hard drive... how hard could that be??? the instructions are in a file on the CD... but after printing them, they look a bit much for a newbie to assimilate.

O.K. try the help forum at the Knoppix website... yes, there are instructions for hard drive install there... but they are different to the ones on the official CD ??? and judging by the many postings I'm not the only confused mortal... oh well, looks like I have to do some serious research...

Two months later
I have re-installed Windows 98 (with a new appreciation for its usefriendliness)

Not that I have given up on Linux - I love it's basic philosophy and values (not just that it's FREE) - but the learning curve is so steep... BEFORE you can actually DO anything with it!!

Before anyone jumps down my throat, let me explain myself... I actually enjoy learning new ways to do things and using new tools... but I also want to DO things with that knowledge.

I learnt to drive a car the same as most people did... lessons on clutch, gears, brakes and accelerator... steering, indicators, road rules etc...
what I didn't have to learn, was how to cast an engine block, manufacture rubber or machine helical gears before I could commence my learning...

I don't want a Windows version of Linux!! I can appreciate the advantages of Linux... but I believe a lot of what Linux does needs to be tranparent to a new user... the user will decide if they need to delve further into the mechanisms, when (and maybe, if) they choose.

With Windows 98 I can: setup a home network, scan images, record and transfer LP's CD, surf the internet etc., without major hassles... I have set up computers for other people (who have no desire to understand "the whys and wherefores" of computers) and they can still use them productively... I don't expect anyone to "spoon feed" me... please remember, I am genuinely doing all I can to understand and and/or correct the problems I have had... but some Linux concepts seem to be beyond me ...

A few of the experiences I have encountered, follow:

Permissions - yes, I understand there are ones for each user, group etc... but, where/how do you set defaults for say, a one user, home computer?... why can't I run/create a script to choose a default setup when doing a hd-install?

Internet - connecting with the CD install is a breeze... why is the hd-install different. Thye only way I can connect and use Konqueror is by following tyhe Debian(?) method ie pppconfig, PON isp. Kppp connects but a web browser cant??

Installing software - wow!! I would love to be able to even REMOVE some!!

the forum SEEMS to be helpful, but quite often contains contradictory info or solves a problem, but doesnt explain why/how.

PLEASE NOTE: I apologize in advance if my frustration has given this missive a negative tone... I not wish to alienate any Knoppix users and no offence is intended... with enlightenment, maybe the mood will pass (sure hope so)


07-03-2003, 05:08 PM
Permissions - yes, I understand there are ones for each user, group etc... but, where/how do you set defaults for say, a one user, home computer?... why can't I run/create a script to choose a default setup when doing a hd-install?

One thing you'll notice about Linux- there aren't always 'default' settings. This is a good thing. Otherwise we'd be at the mercy of whomever wrote the app, distro, whatnot.

For a single user set up do this:

Add your user name to everything in /etc/group

Put your user name in /etc/sudoers like this:


This way you can do things as root without becoming root and you won't have to enter a password everytime.

Internet - connecting with the CD install is a breeze... why is the hd-install different. Thye only way I can connect and use Konqueror is by following tyhe Debian(?) method ie pppconfig, PON isp. Kppp connects but a web browser cant??

Sorry but I really don't know alot about modems.

Installing software - wow!! I would love to be able to even REMOVE some!!

Try this:

apt-get install synaptic

Synaptic is a great tool for installing and removing Debian packages.

the forum SEEMS to be helpful, but quite often contains contradictory info or solves a problem, but doesnt explain why/how.

The forum IS helpful but it's not perfect. I am constantly asking people to post back with how they fixed their problem or it really doesn't do us much good.

Keep in mind that the principal aim of Klaus Knopper was to create a live bootable cd distro. The fact that it can be installed is an added bonus that hopefully, with time will improve. Also- think back to when you were a new pc user. Did windows seem foreign and strange then? I have recently cloned 6 win2k boxes at work. I couldn't even get the patches on fast enough to keep the viruses out. It took 8 reboots and 31 "critical" updates. I will agree that M$ is farily easy to install but you are left without choices. This is the very thing that turns alot of people away from Linux- the sudden realization of all that is suddenly within thier control can be a bit overwhelming. All I can say is don't give up and certainly don't let it get you frustrated. You may find yourself strangely addicted to Linux. ;)


07-03-2003, 07:19 PM
Internet - connecting with the CD install is a breeze... why is the hd-install different. Thye only way I can connect and use Konqueror is by following tyhe Debian(?) method ie pppconfig, PON isp. Kppp connects but a web browser cant??

There's not a lot of use in running pon and kppp. In Linux you have to use kppp or pon to connect and then launch your browser.

As well as the various forums, you might like to look at (do a google for them, although some are available as debs -- have a look in synaptic)

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