View Full Version : starting a http deamon, and setting a shared folder

07-06-2003, 04:25 AM
does anyone know how i can go about this on knoppix.... jsut the commands and scripts i shud use so that i can write a script to start it after shutdowns......

07-08-2003, 01:04 PM
I don't really get what your asking for, but to start apache (the http-server) just type:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache start

What do you mean by a "shared-folder" and what's this script for?

07-08-2003, 05:55 PM
i need to know what folder is the public shared one..... where i can put the index.html:P i just wanna know all these commands so that i can put them to a text file...... then ill be able to run them faster than having to type em in

07-08-2003, 06:37 PM
i need to know what folder is the public shared one..... where i can put the index.html:P i just wanna know all these commands so that i can put them to a text file...... then ill be able to run them faster than having to type em in

To have apache start on boot edit the file /etc/init.d/bootmic.sh as root in a console and add the lines:

#Start the apache web server on boot for my web pages
/usr/sbin/apachectl start

Or you can use the command in the post above for the start either will work. the "shared" folder is set to /var/www in the file /etc/apache/httpd.conf with the DocumentRoot /var/www on line 1004 I believe you can change this to whatever you want check the apache docs that are included I just leave it as is and put my web pages in the /var/www.

When you boot you will see an error telling you that it could not determine the fully qualified domain name and it is setting it to (localhost) and that is how you can access your web pages while you are running. eg. http://localhost or http://hostname the hostname being the name of your machine in the file /etc/hostname. You will just see the place holder web page welcoming you to your new home page until you replace the index.html. Also you may have to give yourself permission to access the /var/www directory (can't remember at the moment it's been a while since I last did it).

You may also want to look into installing htdig if you want to be able to search the pages that you have it comes in handy when you are trying to find something but can't remember which page you have it on.

A good place for web design tips and apache in general is bignosebird (http://www.bignosebird.com).