View Full Version : installing Graphic-Drivers??

07-10-2003, 06:54 PM

I want to make a bootable game-cd ( Enemy Territory ) out of Knoppix. I don't know so munch about Linux but want to learn munch! So i got Knoppix Lite ( i need space for the game ) and began to remaster it like described here: http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/KnoppixRemasteringHowto . it was no problem to install the game. but i have one Problem:

I just don't know how to install the Nvidia Graphic-Drivers. ( I need openGL support ). From the nvidia-homepage ( ftp://download.nvidia.com )I loaded serveral files. the normal installation in a .run-file does not work, it says it cannot find kernel information or so..
Then i tried to Install a package called GLX Drivers and that seems to work ( with chroot ) : it tells me the files were installed. But when i burn it on cd, the driver "vesa" is loaded instead of the right "nv" or "nvidia". I thought i have to change the configuration of XFree86, but after i edited /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.in nothing changed: an standard-driver without open-gl-support is loaded. Or do i have to chnage another file?

now my question:
how can i install that drivers?

( execuse my terrible english, i am german :wink: )