View Full Version : is it possible to pass alsa module options as a cheat code

07-12-2003, 08:15 PM
Is there a way to boot knoppix and pass module options to alsa along with the module name?

If I boot knoppix with alsa or alsa=es18xx, it fails to load the snd-es18xx module.
The chip CAN be deteced with:
modprobe snd-es18xx isapnp=0
or better still:
modprobe snd-es18xx isapnp=0 mpu_port=0x330 dma2=5

I tried:
boot: knoppix alsa=es18xx:isapnp=0
boot: knoppix alsa=es18xx=isapnp=0
but they didn't parse.

This is for a Compaq Armada SB (similar to Compaq 1592's), so it's old hardware.
If the feature to pass optons to the alsa module doesn't exist, then don't waste time
adding it for this old laptop.

I got the hint about the isapnp=0 option from http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=es18xx

As it is, Knoppix keeps amazing my friends when they see it autoconfigure on their
computers. Thanks for all the effort creating this!